Epstein Thread: His brother says Barr cover up; Scumbag Alan Dershowitz asked Trump to pardon Maxwell; Epstein commits suicide! :damn:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The face on the left looks like it's literally in the act of snorting coke.

Anyone working for Trump who hasn't been fired or quit already, virtually nothing that comes out about them could surprise me.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


MI6 fears Russia can link Prince Andrew to Jeffrey Epstein abuse

MI6 fears Russia can link Prince Andrew to Jeffrey Epstein abuse

September 21 2019, 6:00pm,

John Dougan in Moscow, his new home
British intelligence chiefs are concerned that Russia may have obtained kompromat, compromising material, on Prince Andrew over the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.

MI6 is understood to be concerned about the activities of a former Florida police officer who had access to the investigation into the billionaire paedophile and then moved to Russia. :mindblown:

The bizarre case of John Mark Dougan, a former deputy in the Palm Beach County sheriff’s office, has provided further evidence that the prince’s repeated efforts to distance himself from allegations of sexual abuse are failing to shield him from the fallout of the Epstein case.


Prince Andrew with Virginia Roberts Giuffre, then aged 17NICHOLAS RAZZELL
A security source said last week there were concerns at MI6 about how much Dougan knows of the original police investigation into the multimillionaire paedophile’s activities and what Dougan may have passed on to Russian authorities.

Dougan is known to have had contact with Pavel Borodin, a senior Russian government official sometimes referred to as a mentor to President Vladimir Putin.:shakingdamn:

Dougan was working in Palm Beach in 2005 when a woman walked into a local police station and claimed that Epstein had paid her 14-year-old stepdaughter $300 to strip to her underwear and perform an “erotic massage”.

After the Epstein case was reopened in July this year, Dougan claimed on Facebook that he had spoken extensively about it to the investigating officers and still possessed confidential documents that no one else had seen.:weebaynanimated:

Dougan, a former US marine, later fell out with his bosses, resigned in 2009 and ended up in Moscow. He made his Facebook posts from Russia.:PutinTrollFace:

His intervention alarmed intelligence officials, who appear to have been tracking his activities since he was photographed with Borodin in 2013.

A western intelligence source said Dougan exhibited a number of “classic traits” that made him suitable for recruitment by a “hostile intelligence service”.

The source added: “His knowledge of the Epstein case would have been of great interest to Russian intelligence.”

Contacted in Moscow last week, Dougan acknowledged that information about Epstein might be “incredibly valuable” for any intelligence agency and might give “leverage” over “a guy like Prince Andrew”.:weebaynanimated:

Asked whether he was controlled by the Russians, he replied: “Oh God, no. I have never met anyone from the government other than immigration officials.”

He said he thought “a whole bunch of people were involved [with Epstein]” and claimed to know nothing about Andrew.

The Moscow angle proved only one of the prince’s Epstein-related headaches last week. Buckingham Palace was once again forced to deny that he had any form of sexual relationship with Virginia Roberts Giuffre, the young woman who appeared in a now notorious photograph with Andrew’s arm around her waist.

Giuffre appeared on American television on Friday with four other alleged Epstein victims to repeat her claims that she once had sex with the prince in a bathroom — and that he had said “thank you” afterwards.

The other women included Anouska de Georgiou, a British former model who was educated at Marlborough College with Kate Middleton, now the Duchess of Cambridge. Appearing alongside Giuffre, De Georgiou claimed she had been groomed and raped by Epstein when she was a teenager.

“When Jeffrey would see me he would physically shake because he wanted to get at me and that was very unnerving,” she told an interviewer from the US NBC network. She said there was a “very special bond” among Epstein’s victims, who were “united against a common enemy”.

She added: “Jeffrey thought we were disposable and he threw us all away. And look who’s still standing.” Epstein was found dead in a New York jail last month.


Anouska de Georgiou, who says she was raped by EpsteinGETTY IMAGES
Exactly what Dougan knows remains a mystery. During the original three-year police investigation, which concluded with a controversial plea bargain in 2008, the deputy was stationed near the financier’s Florida mansion. It was from Palm Beach airport that Epstein’s private plane, nicknamed the “Lolita Express”, is alleged to have trafficked underage minors from across the globe.

In 2016, three years after his meeting with Borodin, Dougan set up a website posing as a Russian hacker called “BadVolf”. Since then he has published the confidential addresses of US public officials and leaked Democratic Party emails that are believed to have been hacked by Russian agents.:weebaynanimated:

Last week Dougan claimed his encounter with Borodin had been innocent: “I wanted to start doing some business in Russia and I started clicking through Facebook profiles and I found this dude sitting in front of the Russian parliament.

“I added him as a friend and started conversing with him on Facebook. I asked him for a meeting. As an American, it’s really easy to get meetings with people here.”

Buckingham Palace declined to comment on Dougan’s activities. The prince has said that he never took part in, witnessed or even suspected any untoward behaviour. But it seems unlikely that the Epstein saga is going away any time soon.


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May 7, 2012
Crazy, a cpl hours ago I was thinking to myself "can you believe we still haven't learned shyt about Epstein's suicide/murder?"

When is an investigation ever that air tight? Never.

With this one, every other week there is some insane new plot detail/twist.

Billionaires from Ohio; Florida cops turned Russian operatives; pedophilia in the Royal Family; federal prisoners getting hit while in custody

shyt is crazy.