1 thing that bothered me to no end is the Drama storyline, i felt the director used him to get his hate out certain actors who may have snubbed him or something, i mean they wrote his character like he was a bum or something, the guys making fun of him and when you look at the 1st season, it was stated that he held Vince and Turtle down before Vince blew up, and yet the biggest bum on the show Turtle is written to pull movie stars and other bad girls way out of his range, he was a non actor, a flunky who brought nothing to the table and yet he was like a superstar, the show creator is a friend of his so he gave him a much better storyline. Drama also was on a hit TV show and yet Ari or anyone else in his agency couldn't get him movie roles? Give me a break, an agency super power like that couldn't get him roles OK. Also how the hell did he not have a girl? Guy on TV with a pilot on the way, mega star brother and yet he single and midget E has Sloan, SMH.