Also just want to clarify that I didn't make this thread for a diaspora war but the video really highlights my train of thought that I've been saying on here for years now which is; alot of the problems black people go through today are (originally) self inflicted. It what world does it make sense to capture 40 people and sell them for an umbrella

? Truly embarrassing stuff

It is not starting a diaspora war by actually detailing what some of those ethnic groups did. Those societies near the ocean were basically ignorant people that lived on the fringes of massive empires. So in most cases they didn't have familiarization with modern commerce like the inland people did. The inland people like the Mandingos, Akan, Bini, Oyo/Yoruba, Mende, Hansa,, Nri-Igbos, etc., traded in stuff like gold, textiles, salt, etc. They knew the commercial value of things because they participated in long distance trade all across West Africa.
Those coastal people were backwards and they lived in swamps, mangrove patches, on small islands and in other isolated inhospitable difficult to reach areas. The coastal people were typically driven to the coastal areas to evade having to pay tribute to those massive inland empires and in that isolation they grew ignorant and backwards. The reason that Dahomey, Kru and the Aro Confederacy became slave traders was because they lived near the ocean and when the Europeans docked their ships the Whites armed those coastal people which is why the coastal people raided inland for slaves. Truly dusty ignorant shyt for little or nothing and of course the lying White man went around saying that all Black people were ignorant due to his being able to take advantage of the backwards coastal people. Meanwhile they completely downplayed the inland people empires, structured government, kings, system of taxation, standing armies, advanced trade networks, etc.