DO NOT TRY THIS WHILE BLACK. **notice you didnt see or hear one black person pull this off***
homeland cop:"are you an american citizen sir?"
Guy: " are you an american sir?"
Guy: " Sir, you have an I.D. on ya?"
Cop: **laughs*** "No Sir"
Guy: "Let me see your ID, i have to make sure You're an American Citizen"
Cop: "are you an american citizen:
Guy: " You got an ID on ya?"
Cop: "Do you?"
GUy: " Where you been today?"
Cop: " Go ahead and Go Sir"
Guy:" Where ya heading to?"
COp: " GO head sir, Go on ahead"
Wow, how i wish my black self could have done this in the 90's when i was getting pulled over for being just that... black. being asked "where ya headed?" i have a basketball in my backseat, everyone in the vehicle has on shorts, t-shirts and basketball shoes. i wonder where would we be heading?