- Julie Bort
Blind, the anonymous employee chat app for employees, polled thousand of people who work at tech companies to ask them the kinds of sensitive questions that you normally can't ask: Do you think you are paid fairly? Are you interested in leaving your job?
Not surprisingly, those two things were closely related. Those companies that had the most employees unhappy with their pay also had the most employees interested in leaving.
There were a lot of other interesting tidbits revealed in the survey as well. The employees happiest with their pay are not working at Google or Facebook, for example, they are at Netflix, followed by Dropbox.
Of course, this survey isn't representative of the companies — it reflects only the opinions of employees who choose to use the Blind app. But those opinions provide an interesting window into the mood, at least among some staffers, within tech's biggest companies.
The employees least happy with their pay: Walmart Labs, according to this poll. A senior software engineer there earns on average $131,000 according to Glassdoor. And 40% or more of employees polled at Spotify, PayPal, Spotify, Twitter said they weren't happy with pay. Netflix peeps were happiest on pay. A senior software engineer there earns over $210,000 a year, according to Glassdoor.
When asked to rate the statement, "I'm compensated fairly," 4174 people responded, Blind says.
Interestingly, although the tech industry is known for its high salaries, slightly less than half 49% said no, they didn't feel fairly paid.. That means 51 % feel that they are.
There were only six companies in which 70% or more said they were paid fairly: Netflix, Dropbox, NerdWallet, Twitch and Snapchat.
As to which companies had the most employees in this poll dreaming of leaving? Groupon, HPE, NerdWallet and Oracle each came in at around 90%.
When looking at 10 of the hottest tech companies today, Microsoft has the most employees looking to move on in this poll: around 75%. Amazon also scored pretty high here, at around 60%. The most steadfast employees worked at Netflix, where respondents said they were most happy with their pay.
When mapping those two questions together this list shows how some of the top companies rate: Microsoft and Apple both having a reasonably high number of respondents on Blind who aren't totally satisfied with their pay and would be amenable to greener pastures.