Emmanuel Macron signals rethink on French-backed Africa currency


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Emmanuel Macron signals rethink on French-backed Africa currency
David Pilling in London and Neil Munshi in Lagos yesterday
5-6 minutes
French president Emmanuel Macron is this week expected to signal a possible rethink on the French-backed CFA franc used by west and central African states but that critics see as a colonial relic.

Alassane Ouattara, president of Ivory Coast, the region’s biggest economy, has been a strong defender of the euro-pegged currency, but has come under pressure from regional politicians and activists to challenge the arrangement. Mr Macron is due to meet Mr Ouattara in Abidjan this week and is expected to discuss the concerns.

Established in 1945, the CFA franc is used in two African monetary zones, one for eight west African countries and the other for six mostly petro-states in central Africa. Since 1999, it has been pegged to the euro, giving the member states monetary stability while supporting trade with Europe.

In return, the members have to keep half of their foreign reserves in France, on which the French treasury pays 0.75 per cent interest.

A French official sits on the board of the regional central bank in both zones, and the currency is printed by France.

The optics are so bad I don’t think it is sustainable for France to continue this arrangement

Under Mr Macron, France is losing appetite for the system, according to a member of a panel that has briefed the president on the issue. The structure causes political friction, the adviser said, and fits poorly with Mr Macron’s vision for a postcolonial relationship with francophone Africa.

“The optics are so bad I don’t think it is sustainable for France to continue this arrangement,” the adviser said. “There is such a strong demand from African youth to take back their monetary independence.”

“The political costs may be outweighing the economic gains,” said Carlos Lopes, high representative of the Commission of the African Union, who said the currency’s stability had benefited French exporters and investors.

“Macron is not espousing the traditional French treasury attitude of keeping the status quo,” he said. “He means what he says when he says he is ready for changes, even radical changes.”

Defenders of the arrangement point to the stability of the CFA franc and the region’s success in controlling inflation, in contrast with neighbouring countries outside the currency zones.

Being in the monetary union has also helped keep a lid on fiscal indiscipline, said Amaka Anku at Eurasia Group, a political risk consultancy: “You don’t see [the] crazy fiscal slippages in any of the CFA countries you see in, say, Ghana.”

The French presidency, finance ministry and French central bank declined to make any immediate comment on the currency at what one official called a “delicate moment”.

But French officials said the decision lay with the African nations that used the system and that Paris was open to any changes proposed, for example to the deposit requirements. Asked whether France would be ready to scrap it altogether, one senior official said: “It’s more a question of evolution.”

The CFA franc, particularly the obligation for member states to keep half their reserves at France’s central bank, has long provoked resentment. Opponents say it prevents countries from devaluing to counter external shocks and has hampered industrialisation by keeping the exchange rate artificially high.

This month, Nathalie Yamb, an adviser to an opposition party in Ivory Coast and a Swiss-Cameroonian activist, was deported to Switzerland after she spoke out against the currency. In 2017, Kemi Seba, a French-Beninese activist, was arrested in Senegal after burning a 5,000 CFA franc note in front of hundreds of demonstrators.

Some African heads of state have also become more vocal. Last month, Patrice Talon, president of Benin, defended a proposal to repatriate some of the reserves kept in France. “Psychologically, with regards to the vision of sovereignty and managing your own money, it's not good that this model continues,” he said.

The eight countries in the west African region already intend to rename the CFA franc the “eco” next year. They hope to eventually replace it with a single west African currency which could include other west African states.

Laureen Kouassi-Olsson, who runs the Abidjan office of Amethis, an Africa-focused fund manager, said Mr Macron was a “new generation” of French leader, without nostalgia for France’s colonial ties. “His position is that, if the western African heads of state do not want the CFA franc any more, they should be able to exit that currency providing they have the means of doing so.”

But she added that she had concerns about a “monetary revolution” that she likened to the Arab spring, referring to the uprisings in the Middle East and north Africa that started in 2011. “People are arguing from a very romantic and passionate angle,” she said. “We should take a very cool approach to it. A volatile currency is by no means a driver of growth.”

Additional reporting by Victor Mallet in Paris

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
So the French know the gig is up, because their flunky negro could not keep selling the bullshyt.


Apr 30, 2012
I'll believe it when I see it. I wonder what implications this would have for the local elites too.
West Africa renames CFA franc but keeps it pegged to euro

Looks official now.

Under the agreement, the currency remains pegged to the euro and will be renamed the ECO. It scraps a requirement for countries to keep 50% of reserves in the French Treasury and the need for a French representative on the currency union’s board.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Aug 3, 2017
Yeah I know the dude, indeed he's been working on the issue for years and a big advocate of change. Him co-signing this could be good news.


It's just a smoke screen. There was a real movement of protest, not popular since the population is not educated on these subjects but intellectual and economic elites. A real anti-CFA currency was on the march in the majority of West African countries.
So what is France doing with the complicity of our leaders, we change the name, we no longer deposit half of the reserves at the Bank of France, we let go a little bit of ballast to give the impression that the West African states regain monetary sovereignty.
But it's just a trick Paris will continue to control our economies. The proof is that this famous new currency will always remain pegged to Euro


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium

It's just a smoke screen. There was a real movement of protest, not popular since the population is not educated on these subjects but intellectual and economic elites. A real anti-CFA currency was on the march in the majority of West African countries.
So what is France doing with the complicity of our leaders, we change the name, we no longer deposit half of the reserves at the Bank of France, we let go a little bit of ballast to give the impression that the West African states regain monetary sovereignty.
But it's just a trick Paris will continue to control our economies. The proof is that this famous new currency will always remain pegged to Euro

Yeah I've been reading a lil more on this since the announcement and that's the way it's looking indeed. Surprised that Nubukpo would tweet that, maybe he himself is part of the game being played or he's looking at this as gradual steps. Either way this is far from being a sufficient change. Also setting up a new common currency takes years of preparation, this one is supposed to come into effect next year lol, just that shows you that it's mostly cosmetic.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
L'Eco: Le prolongement du franc CFA - NN

L’Eco: Le prolongement du franc CFA

Ce samedi 21 décembre 2019, le président ivoirien Alassane OUATTARA annonçait en présence de son homologue français Emmanuel MACRON, la fin du Franc des colonies françaises d’Afrique (Fcfa), remplacé par l’Eco (EC) à l’horizon 2020, au sein de 8 pays de l’Afrique de l’ouest, ayant en commun leur appartenance à la zone Franc.

Une décision bien que louable, qui occasionne les critiques de nombreuses personnalités qui crient à la supercherie.
Au premier rang de cette liste, Ndongo SYLLA, économiste sénégalais, pour qui, la nouvelle monnaie des états de la communauté économique des états de l’Afrique de l’ouest (Cedeao), L’Eco, a été allégée des points encombrants du Fcfa. Celles-ci concernent notamment la suppression du compte d’opération à la Banque de France, ainsi que le retrait des représentants français siégeant au sein des instances de la Banque centrale des Etats d’Afrique de l’Ouest (BCEAO) vont être retirés.
« Non, le franc CFA n’est pas mort. Macron et Ouattara se sont seulement débarrassés de ses atours les plus polémiques. Le coeur du système est bel et bien en place. C’est accord de coopération monétaire avec la France comme « garant », parité fixe avec l’euro, politique de répression, maintien d’une zone franc composée de pays qui commercent peu entre eux et qui logiquement ne devraient pas partager une même monnaie. Avec leurs réformes, MACRON et OUATTARA ont signé l’acte de décès du projet d’intégration monétaire entre les 15 pays de la Cedeao », a-t-il accusé à l’égard d’Alassane OUATTARA.
Une analyse soutenue par de nombreux autres économistes internationaux, parmi lesquels le français Jean-Joseph BOILLOT. Lequel, modère l’exaltation de ceux qui espèrent en L’Eco, un nouveau souffle économique pour les pays d’Afrique qui l’utiliseront. « Pas sûr que cela soit une bonne nouvelle : parité fixe, garant en dernier ressort, dévaluation déguisée, etc. À creuser mon ami », a-t-il argumenté à la suite de la réaction jouissive de Kako NUBUKPO, sur le célèbre réseau social Twitter.
L’Eco, apparaît donc comme un geste de recul. En effet, si la monnaie a été pensée pour la région de l’Afrique de l’ouest, il n’a jamais été question d’un quelconque rôle que la France aurait à y jouer. Or, elle reste le garant de la parité entre l’Eco et l’Euro et se réserve le droit de revenir au sein des instances décisionnelles si les États africains venaient à faire défaut de paiement. Par ailleurs, révèle le site togolais www.togo-online.net, « il est fort probable que la future monnaie soit imprimée à l’étranger à l’instar du Fcfa ».
Quoiqu’il en soit, la machine est en marche. Le Bénin, le Burkina Faso, la Côte d’Ivoire, la Guinée-Bissau, le Mali, le Niger, le Sénégal et le Togo doivent désormais s’arrimer aux critères de convergence. Dont les principales sont «de rester en dessous de 3 % du Produit intérieur brut de déficit, de 10 % d’inflation, avec une dette inférieure à 70 % du PIB», a rappelé le président de la Commission de la Cedeao, Jean-Claude KOUASSI BROU, à la clôture d’un sommet extraordinaire des chefs d’États ouest-africains à Abuja, au Nigeria.


Gunners for Life!
Jul 2, 2012
Michigan Avenue & Aba Road
End of CFA franc in West Africa only a ‘symbolic change’: economist

As usual the French are hell bent on playing colonial master. France will always continue to keep their foot on the necks of their slaves. The Francophone countries in West Africa are nothing more than puppets and it's quite shameful. Nigeria being the dominant economic force in the region is the only thing standing between France and total hegemony.
