I'm still extremely early in the game, but I just can't seem to get the hang of fighting multiple enemies, especially while riding a horse

auto-lock just doesn't cut it sometimes, I'm struggling to switch targets fast enough
Seems like a lot of my attacks end up missing because I end up locked onto the wrong target, then I just get attacked from behind. Guess I need more practice.
On the bright side, I found some giant enemy next to a Site of Grace (I think by the Church of Marika) that I could exploit for level farming. He gives up an easy 1000xp every time I beat him (even though he's a bit of a pain) and since he's right next to the Site of Grace I can just beat him, go rest, then beat him again to my hearts content. I think I spent like two hours last night beating this guy over and over just so I could go up 5 or 6 levels.