Anyone use this?
I've already been supplementing my own Univesity learning with MIT lectures on YouTube. This is the next step.
Interview with one of the people behind this project - Free online MIT courses are an education revolution - opinion - 15 July 2013 - New Scientist
[ame=""]edX -- How it Works - YouTube[/ame]
Do extra study brehs.
I've already been supplementing my own Univesity learning with MIT lectures on YouTube. This is the next step.
Interview with one of the people behind this project - Free online MIT courses are an education revolution - opinion - 15 July 2013 - New Scientist
You run edX. What exactly is it?
EdX is a massive open online course (MOOC) venture founded last year by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. We offer free online courses from some of the best universities in the world. EdX has a million students and we're only one year old
[ame=""]edX -- How it Works - YouTube[/ame]
Do extra study brehs.