Edibles, beverages infused with cannabis ingredient THC become legal Friday in Minnesota


Nov 1, 2015

Gummies containing delta-9 THC and CBD were displayed last week at Nothing But Hemp in St. Paul.

Gummies containing delta-9 THC and CBD were displayed last week at Nothing But Hemp in St. Paul.
— Alex Kormann, Star Tribune

June 30, 2022 - 5:01 PM

Minnesotans who are 21 or older can start buying edibles and beverages that contain THC — the ingredient in cannabis that gets you high — under a new state law that takes effect Friday.

The new law permits the sale and purchase of edibles and beverages that contain up to 5 milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) per serving and 50 milligrams per package. A 5-milligram THC edible can cause a high feeling for first-time users, while people who are used to cannabis could require a larger dose to feel the effect.

Five milligrams is about half the standard dose found in recreational marijuana products in other states.

New THC products must be derived from legally certified hemp, which contains trace amounts of the psychoactive compound, according to the law. But THC will produce the same effect whether it's derived from hemp or marijuana, industry experts say.

"This stuff will get you high, no doubt about it," said attorney Jason Tarasek, founder of the Minnesota Cannabis Law firm and a board member of the Minnesota Cannabis Association. "Everybody's calling it hemp-derived THC, which makes it sound like something other than marijuana. But I went on social media and I called it adult-use marijuana, because that's what most people are going to consider this to be."

Cannabis advocates say they can hardly believe the law passed the Minnesota Legislature given Senate Republicans' opposition to recreational marijuana legalization. Steven Brown, CEO of Nothing But Hemp, said he will begin selling a dozen new THC products Friday at his six Minnesota retail stores, with a few dozen more rolling out over the next month.

"In some ways, we legalized cannabis," Brown said.

Rep. Heather Edelson, an Edina Democrat who sponsored the legislation in the House, said the new law was born from an effort to strengthen oversight of the emerging market.

Hemp and cannabidiol (CBD) products were already legal in Minnesota provided they contained less than 0.3% delta-9 THC, the primary intoxicant in marijuana. But that legal threshold did not apply to delta-8 THC, an intoxicating cousin of delta-9. As a result, delta-8 products were widely sold in the state in various forms and at dosages high enough to pose health risks.

The new law's milligram requirements apply to any form of THC, reining in the delta-8 market while also allowing the sale and purchase of traditional THC edibles and beverages.

Starting Friday, CBD and THC products must be clearly labeled and sold only to those 21 or older. Edibles must be in child-proof and tamper-evident packages, have clearly defined serving sizes and carry the label, "Keep this product out of reach of children."

"Bringing more consumer protections really was my goal," Edelson said, though she admitted the new law gives Minnesota a sample of recreational marijuana legalization: "There was no mystery about what we were doing here."

It's unclear if leaders of the Republican-controlled Minnesota Senate fully realized the law would legalize delta-9 THC edibles before they agreed to pass it. Sen. Michelle Benson, R-Ham Lake, said she knew it would but "did not discuss that specifically" with Republican Senate Majority Leader Jeremy Miller, R-Winona.

Benson, chair of the Senate Human Services Licensing Policy Committee, said she and some other lawmakers were interested in capping dosages of delta-8 THC, which existed in an unregulated gray area. But to regulate any type of THC, as the new law does, "you have to pick an amount to measure by," she said.

Miller declined to comment, deferring to Sen. Mark Koran, R-North Branch, who authored a Senate version of Edelson's bill that did not explicitly allow milligram dosages.

"With the federal changes in 2018, the [Minnesota] Board of Pharmacy and Department of Agriculture recognized the need for regulations on certain products and worked with the Legislature to restrict the market," Koran said in a statement. "That's what this bill does."

Sen. Jim Abeler, R-Anoka, who chairs the Senate Human Services Reform Finance and Policy Committee, said he didn't realize the new law would legalize edibles containing delta-9 THC before it passed. He thought the law would only regulate delta-8 THC products.

"I thought we were doing a technical fix, and it winded up having a broader impact than I expected," Abeler said, adding that the Legislature should consider rolling the new law back.

House Democrats and Gov. Tim Walz, both of whom support recreational marijuana legalization, are unlikely to agree to such a request. Majority Leader Ryan Winkler, DFL-Golden Valley, called Abeler's suggestion to roll back the law "ridiculous" and said Democrats have no interest in doing so.

Abeler "voted for it. He signed the conference report," Winkler said. "This is a step forward towards a policy we strongly support."

The law places no limit on how many CBD and THC products can be purchased and does not regulate who can sell them. It also allows the cannabis components to be infused into food and drinks.

Brown is already working with breweries to create nonalcoholic THC beers and seltzers that he will sell in his stores. He said he wants to "promote cannabis over alcohol" to Minnesotans.

Superior Cannabis Co., which has stores in Duluth; Austin, Minn.; and Superior, Wis., will soon begin selling THC gummies, president and co-owner Jeff Brinkman said. Coffee shops and bars have already begun reaching out to him about selling CBD products, he said.

"This is really exciting for us," Brinkman said. "It's a really good opportunity to demonstrate to legislators [that] legalization is just one step away."

Tarasek said Minnesota's new law is a "cannabis industry oddity." He's already fielding calls from cannabis companies nationwide that now see Minnesota as a "quasi-legal market."

"I'm getting calls from across the country saying, 'What is this? We've never seen this,' " Tarasek said. "They want to jump in."


Nov 1, 2015

The Legislature stumbles into legalizing THC, for better or worse | Column​


JULY 1, 2022 6:00 AM​

copycat THC edibles
The law legalizing THC bans copycat THC edibles, like these found in a Virginia store. Photo by Graham Moomaw/Virginia Mercury.

In the final days of the legislative session in May, a bipartisan panel was negotiating the differences between health and human services bills passed by the DFL-led House and GOP-controlled Senate.

They had hundreds of pages to get through, and a bevy of amendments to approve, including one “exempting cannabinoids derived from hemp from Schedule 1 of the controlled substances schedule.”

Not in so many words: Legalizing weed.

After the amendment passed on a unanimous voice vote, here’s state Sen. Jim Abeler, R-Anoka: “That doesn’t legalize marijuana — we didn’t just do that.”

He chuckled.

His DFL co-chair, Rep. Tina Liebling of Rochester replied, “Oh, are you kidding? Of course you have. No, just kidding. We’ll do that next, OK?”

Well, actually, they did it.

As of Friday, July 1, 2022, products with THC — the chemical that gets you high — from “legally certified hemp” can now be manufactured, distributed and sold in Minnesota, in 5-mg increment edibles and drinks.

That’s enough to amp up an episode of “South Park” or deepen the groove at a Khruangbin concert.

If that exchange in the waning days of the session doesn’t sound like the most thoughtful legislating, you might be onto something.

I asked one of the bill’s chief architects, Rep. Heather Edelson, DFL-Edina, who would regulate this newly legal intoxicant. First she said it would be the state Department of Agriculture. She corrected herself in a text and said it would be the Board of Pharmacy.

Jill Phillips, the new executive director of the Board of Pharmacy, has been gifted with this new dung sandwich of responsibility, which is nothing like their current mission.

“We’re set up to regulate licensees,” she told me. Meaning: licensed pharmacists and pharmacies.

But the new THC law doesn’t even require a license to manufacture, distribute or sell the THC edibles and drinks.

“It’s a new kind of work we’re not necessarily ready for,” Phillips said.

The Board of Pharmacy employs just 23 people, and they have their hands full, what with dangerous legal opioids and everything else. Now they’ll be tasked with regulating the potency, packaging and age requirements (21+) of the new THC products, which can be sold almost anywhere.

(Movie theaters? Please?)

Buyer beware: The Board of Pharmacy doesn’t have a lab to test the potency or safety of the products, nor does it have a contract with a lab.

Manufacturers are required to contract with a lab and keep records, but they don’t have to send them to the Board of Pharmacy, except upon request, Phillips told me.

If you were hoping we’d get some tax revenue to pay for the expensive regulatory regime and maybe public education about misuse and treatment for addicts: sorry.

There’s no tax provision in the bill.*

I sympathize with Edelson, a veteran public health champion who was trying to work with the Board of Pharmacy and the Department of Agriculture to clean up a gray market in something called delta-8.

The Food and Drug Administration describes delta-8 as “a psychoactive substance … typically manufactured from hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD).”

Hemp and CBD are legal in Minnesota, which allowed people to formulate delta-8 from them, and they started selling it everywhere because there was no legal standard around it.

I started seeing it in tobacco shops and dodgier gas stations. It gave me real bath salts vibes.

“It was super different depending on where you got it,” a friend who tried delta-8 told me. “Some kinds were kind of like cheap weed, some kinds were super terrible and anxiety and paranoia provoking.”

So I was never tempted to try it, especially since nearly half the country has legal and regulated THC markets with the decent assurance of quality control.

Edelson told me the delta-8 market is out of control — they have been targeting kids, making the products look like candy, even selling high-potency breakfast cereals. Calls to poison control centers were rapidly rising.

So, with the help of state Sen. Mark Koran, R-North Branch, she pushed to regulate delta-8, but used the broader language of cannabinoids, which includes delta-9.

Which is the kind you’d buy in Colorado or some other legal state.

Presto: Legal weed!

There are some regulations, like childproof packaging and bans on marketing to kids, and you have to be 21 to purchase.

We traded unregulated delta-8 for a lightly regulated delta-8 and delta-9.

“That’s accurate,” said Jason Tarasek, who has been lobbying on the issue for several years.

And, even more remarkable, Senate Republicans — for years the major hurdle to legalization — were apparently in the dark.

“I thought it was more of a technical fix to the delta-8 problem, and it had a broader effect than I expected,” Abeler told me.

Asked by the Star Tribune about this major change in law and policy, Senate Majority Leader Jeremy Miller, R-Winona, declined to comment. (Kudos to reporter Ryan Faircloth for his work on this story.)

You have to admire the legalizers’ legislative cunning.

But I have mixed feelings.

Yes, prohibition has failed. Marijuana is commonly used by Minnesotans from all walks of life, needlessly turning them into law breakers, while too often the law has been used to profile Black people and shove them into the brutal churn of the criminal justice system.

And, THC is safer than alcohol, at least if you’re counting fatalities. It’s not even close, with 95,000 Americans killed annually from alcohol-related causes. Whereas you can definitely smoke or ingest too much THC (ask Maureen Dowd!), there’s really no such a thing as a marijuana overdose per se.

The best approach is to legalize, regulate and tax, using the revenue to mitigate the negative effects.

The Minnesota House passed a bipartisan version of legalization last year, but it died in the Senate. That bill included a strict regulatory regime with a public health focus. It would have helped us avoid the Wild West outcomes we’ve seen in other states by engaging in typically paternalistic, rigorous Minnesota oversight we pride ourselves on.

(I’m pretty sure you can’t even buy a drink here after midnight without written permission from your mother.)

My fear is that this light regulatory structure will lead to gross excesses. And then we’ll see a bunch of alarmist media coverage — you can just picture the TV news stories — right before the November election, about some dunderhead who left an open package of edibles on a counter, and a kid ate the whole thing and thought he was Spiderman and wound up in the emergency room.

And then there’ll be a backlash, and we’ll go back to prohibition.

Edelson acknowledged to me that the law needs fixes next session, including the creation of an agency specifically dedicated to oversight of cannabis.

Surely licensing ought to be strongly considered.

In the end, though, she has no regrets.

“We passed a significant increase in consumer protection,” she said.

I just hope if it says gluten free, it’s really gluten free.


Nov 1, 2015
once that tax revenue hit the state coffers, theres no going back.:wow:

If you were hoping we’d get some tax revenue to pay for the expensive regulatory regime and maybe public education about misuse and treatment for addicts: sorry.

There’s no tax provision in the bill.*

my bad, I glossed over that second article.:snoop:
Last edited:


Jul 17, 2013
once that tax revenue hit the state coffers, theres no going back.:wow:
Facts. All the kids will flock to buy these weak ass gummies and that will massively push forward Marijuana legalization in MN


Jul 1, 2012
I really wish labs would test personal supplies so folks can know what they’re getting. I’m not feeling all the big money that dominates the cannabis industry. Most of these executives were not getting hemmed up for possession or distribution, yet now they’re reaping the benefits of legalization.
Aug 16, 2017
Don’t do it brehs. They increased my anxiety, and made me unproductive. I’ve been off for about a month, and I feel much better.


Nov 1, 2015
Facts. All the kids will flock to buy these weak ass gummies and that will massively push forward Marijuana legalization in MN

I messed up, it isn't even taxed. those dummies fukked up tho.:laff::laff::laff:

If you were hoping we’d get some tax revenue to pay for the expensive regulatory regime and maybe public education about misuse and treatment for addicts: sorry.

There’s no tax provision in the bill.*

this might actually boost the local economy with people travelling through the state to buy edibles and other taxable goods/services. :leon: