1999-2000 HHH heel run>>
- Turned on mega popular DX
- Trapped The Rock in a casket and smashed the shyt out of it with a sledgehammer
- Attacked Mick Foley's knee's with a sledgehammer, putting him out of action
- Brutally attacked Austin's knees at Summerslam, putting him out of action
- Had Shawn Michaels turn heel to help him
- Had British Bulldog turn heel to help him
- Threaten and feud with the McMahon family
- Survived being trapped in an ambulance and smashed by a truck
- Survived being trapped in a room with a rattlesnake
- DX reformed under him, basically becoming his bytches
- Marry the boss's daughter in Vegas
- Had Stephanie turn heel on her own father for him
- Basically became in control of the company
- First bad guy to walk out of Wrestlemania as champion
- Revealed he masterminded the hit and run attack on Stone Cold
- Dropped 50 feet from the air, only to return six weeks later
Stephanie McMahon was more over and ironically was the reason why he even had all of those chances to begin with
And he wasn't gone 6 weeks..he was back in like 2 weeks. He came back and attacked Austin during a title shot with a bar with that black jacket gimmick.
These guys weren't better heels than Rick Rude, Jake the Snake, or Dibiase either way. Dibiase was so fukking over after WM 3...it was hilarious. The Survivor Series promo is better than Cripple H's entire career...his swag and greatness was so legendary at the time he created his own belt when he couldn't keep the WWF title he bribed from Andre. lol.