E. W. Jackson, VA Lt. Gov. candidate with a message for black Christians


Aug 14, 2012
It's really all you can say to imbeciles like this:



Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
In a spiritual sense he is right. Obama is a lost soul...but every politician, especially the President is an Evil person. The things that they preside over...they have to be. :manny:

In a political sense he is somewhat right. The Democrat party most definitely takes the black vote for granted...but what is the alternative? He must elaborate on what Black people should do because the GOP has let it be know that we have no place with them.

Good Guy Guevara

All Star
May 5, 2012
E.W. Jackson, the Virginia GOP’s nominee for lieutenant governor, began his career as a minister and attorney in Boston. While there, he lent his support to a high-profile 1988 fight against a plan to desegregate public housing developments in the neighborhood of South Boston.

The 1988 battle over housing desegregation in South Boston began after the federal government found the city of Boston had illegally segregated public housing and prevented African Americans from moving into public developments in the neighborhood. Boston was ordered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to come up with a new tenant selection plan or face a federal takeover of its public housing system. As a result, Ray Flynn, the city’s mayor, came up with a desegregation plan.

Local news station WGBH filmed Jackson giving a speech at a July 1988 community meeting in South Boston hosted by opponents of the mayor’s desegregation plan. According to WGBH, at the event Jackson dismissed the desegregation plan as “social engineering.” In his remarks, Jackson characterized the matter as a question of freedom of choice.

“I am so tired of hearing the people of South Boston dumped on by the saviors of mankind that it makes me nauseous,” Jackson said of desegregation advocates. “I can understand the reaction of the people of South Boston apart from the racial issue because I don’t like being told by some bureaucrat how I’m going to live my life either.”

Jackson, who was identified as a radio station manager and pastor of the New Corner Baptist Church in Roxbury, also spoke with a reporter from WGBH. In the interview, he indicated he believed people should be allowed to choose to live separately from members of other races.

“I think that maximum emphasis needs to be put on the ability of people to choose, even if that means some housing developments are predominantly of one race or another,” said Jackson.

The reporter who interviewed him also asked Jackson, who is African-American, if he felt as though he was being “used” by white politicians who opposed the desegregation plan. His response made it clear he fully supported their efforts.

“Well, the scripture says it’s a good thing to be used in a good cause,” Jackson said.

According to the biography on his campaign website, Jackson first moved to Boston with his wife, Theodora, in 1971 as part of his service in the U.S. Marine Corps. He and his wife left the city in 1998, a decision that was partly motivated, by “their desire for an environment more compatible with their conservative and Christian values.”

Since he was nominated to run in the gubernatorial race alongside Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli over the weekend, Jackson has drawn widespread attention for his past comments criticizing gays. He accused President Barack Obama of harboring “Muslim sensibilities.” and A video he once filmed compared Planned Parenthood to the KKK.

Jackson and the Cuccinelli campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Watch the WGBH segment with Jackson here.

And the award for Most Valuable c00n goes too...

Virginia Lt. Gov. Candidate Fought Against Desegregation Efforts | TPMDC


May 1, 2012
i usuall don't negg people but i had to neg the op for posting this fukkery ,come on dawg did you have to post this bullshieeeet:pacspit:

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

Today on the homepage I’ve got a profile of E. W. Jackson, the Virginia GOP’s controversial candidate for lieutenant governor. There wasn’t room in that piece for a few passages from his book, Ten Commandments to an Extraordinary Life: Making Your Dreams Come True, that are interesting, so here are some additional thoughts from Jackson that didn’t make the cut:

On “most people”:

[M]ost people are dead spirits. As such they have the nature of Satan who does not want to have anything to do with God or anyone related to Him. Of course they are not aware that they are imbued with the nature of Satan. They would be mortified by the idea of becoming Satanists or devil worshippers. Satan benefits far more from people who do not know they serve him than from those who knowingly bow to him. Your spirit was made for attachment. It is either attached to God or to Satan, but it is not neutral, no matter how much people think themselves to be.

On the times we live in:

We live in the most interesting times in human history. These are the days spoken of in Scripture, the days of fulfillment. This is therefore an era of unprecedented spiritual activity on both sides as the conflict races to a head. Those who are in Christ are on the winning side. Part of what must happen during this period of great harvest for the kingdom of God is a massive wealth transfer. It is not going to happen by theft or governmental policy. It is going to happen supernaturally. Those invested in God’s market are going to reap a windfall. Make up your mind now to buy in.

On the dangers of yoga:

When one hears the word meditation, it conjures an image of Maharishi Yoga talking about finding a mantra and striving for nirvana. . . . The purpose of such meditation is to empty oneself. . . . [Satan] is happy to invade the empty vacuum of your soul and possess it. That is why people serve Satan without ever knowing it or deciding to, but no one can be a child of God without making a decision to surrender to him. Beware of systems of spirituality which tell you to empty yourself. You will end up filled with something you probably do not want.
