Dwyane Wade’s Ex-Wife Wants To Reopen Divorce Settlement

Big Boss

Sep 26, 2012
It began nearly a decade ago — and seemed to have finally ended with a $5 million-plus settlement in 2013. But newly-signedChicago Bulls star Dwyane Wade's long, bitter divorce from his high school sweetheart Siohvaughn Funches still isn't over, at least as far as she's concerned.

Funches wants a Cook County judge to throw out her settlement agreement with Wade and give her a larger piece of his basketball earnings, including a slice of the $47 million he's set to be paid by the Bulls.

So she's suing her own former divorce lawyer, Brian Hurst, for malpractice, alleging he agreed to the deal with Wade without her knowledge.

And while Judge Martin Agran on Friday tossed her lawsuit, he offered her the chance to file an amended lawsuit — an opportunity her latest lawyer, Thomas Gooch, says she "absolutely" intends to take.

The two married in 2002, Wade filed for divorce in 2007 and the court made the split official in 2010. Wade, who grew up with Funches in south suburban Robbins, won sole custody of their two children, Zaire and Zion, in 2011, a decision that upset Funches, who later staged a bizarre sit-in protest in Daley Plaza claiming Wade had left her "homeless." She had rattled through a dozen attorneys in her long court battles with Wade before settling on Hurst.

A non-disparagement clause in the settlement prevents both sides from trading further insults about each other and Wade's second wife, actress Gabrielle Union, but didn't stop Funches from last year filing a lawsuit against Hurst.

The suit, which does not name Wade as a defendant, claims Hurst "failed miserably" to represent her, required her "to remain out of the conference room where negotiations were taking place" and "informed the court falsely" that Funches had agreed to the deal when she was not aware of all the terms.

Contacted Thursday, Hurst denied he had kept Funches in the dark and said that settlements are agreed upon by both parties so that warring couples "don't have to take the risk that their legal theories don't bear fruit."

Funches, who now lives near Atlanta, did not return calls seeking comment Thursday. According to her website, she recently completed a self-published autobiography that includes details of how she says she survived the "turmoils of injustice and corruption in the legal system in America."

Previous allegations she made of abuse against Wade and his lawyers were dismissed.

Dwyane Wade's high school sweetheart not ready to let divorce go