During My Exile I Finalized A Comprehensive Escape Plan For All Black Men called operation


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
"black happiness"

Hi, How are y'all doing today? hope all is well. I've been doing alot of soul searching lately. My mind is expanding and personality is changing at a rapid pace. I'm calmer, more accepting and my manners is coming along nicely.

As I approach 30 I want the 2nd half of my life to be different. The most high gave me a 2nd chance at life and I promise I'll make it right this time. I wasted many of gifts being angry and isolated most of my life mad at the world for not ever belonging. No more. I want to share all my gifts with the world and try to help as many people as possible now.

First off let me apologize again for using the word "n1gger". That was wrong and I think I hurt some peoples feelings whether they want to admit or not. I know not too many black men gonna admit to feeling hurt, we got alot of masculinity but were still human and that thread cut some people deep and understandably so. It was rude and vulgar. I just was angry about alot of things including my own failures. I'm sorry . Sorry to all the black men and women that I offended. But I'm going to make up for it from now on.

During my exile I figured out why a guy like me always struggled in society. This might sound arrogant but I'm not even trying to be. I'm a highly gifted person. I'm very disciplined, passionate, determined, introspective , high moral person. I'm a genius among avg people. That's not me being a dikk...I really am. I see things before they even happen. Its both a curse and a blessings. I experience much pain and loneliness but its a gift also. I want to try to use my gifts to help not hurt. Too give and not take.

I digress, These traits are rare among most people so I can see why a guy like me might come across as a complete psycho. Gifted people usually hide their brilliance to blend in (like I've done most my life) I understand that everybody cant see my visions. They're very big! so instead of getting angry at the world I learned to accept things and focus being a trail blazer. Even if that means walking alone forever.

As we know...black american men are caught in a totally fukked up bind of epic proportions. No jobs, no money, bytches are curving brothers, cops stationed in your neighborhood looking to throw us prison, other nikkas looking to inflict damage. Were totally fukked up the ass. BUT there's always a way out

The plan is basically about black american men and black women too But mainly for black men...living a free life. I discovered that much of our pain comes from attachment. Feeling trapped. Society is an illusion and anybody that buys into it will undoubtedly lose everytime. You cant win trying to co exist with the system. It doesn't exist. You'll be forever a slave trying to live a "normal" life.

The goal should be live life to the fullest and travel the globe. Becoming fulfilled by experiencing the world and not being a prisoner in america surrounded by wolves, sharks, serpents, vultures waiting to devour your soul.

Freedom comes from creative thinking, discipline and most importantly accepting things that you have no power to change. You must gotta become totally detached. Meaning that all of the things that you been indoctrinated too believe have to stop. You have to look at reality with no fear and learn to accept it no matter how much it may hurt. The stronger you are the more weak people will attach themselves to you so always cut leeches off early, and fukk their sob story. Somebody gotta be the prey out here, make sure it isn't you

The plan is to be free and to avoid the pitfalls of this society that's obviously set up to destroy us. Freedom of the prison system, freedom from employment, freedom from crazy ass bytches, freedom from debt, from from toxic media and information.

To obtain these things one must be highly disciplined. Always have the discipline too walk away from anything and anybody. Like Neil from the movie heat. Never get attached. Attachment is a weakness that can allow you wasting you best years to satisfy some lost soul.

Reading is essential. No more social media consumption. Less rap music and more books. Stop taking in the messages of hip hop and other toxic black media. Also no more YouTube videos. Its important for your thoughts are pure and total your own. All the media that I mentioned leads to imprisonment, stagnation and even death.

Be frugal and smart with money. Money should be no longer seen as something to buy stupid shyt with and seen as a tool to open up the doors need to obtain the things that's going to help you complete you mission.
Avoid debt. Big expenses. Stunning with material is played out anyway. All it does is attract haters and vultures.

You have to lose your lust for worldly desires. These things include material items and more importantly hoes. By hos, i don't mean woman but whores. Whores are evil and us their sexuality to throw many men off track. They can destroy your life.

Its also important to figure how to create income streams on your own so you can quit working a job. Jobs are slavery and as a black man yes you will end up working at best buy for 20 years because they aren't ever really going to give nikkas jobs like that.

The plan is too avoid all pitfalls and strategy place yourself in a situation were your free to do what ever you want, travel whenever you want. Have the type of woman you want. Many of us are trapped locally in bad situations because of location, bad economic situations, bad dating choices etc...and yes 10 years will go by and well be old and have to rot in a life of mediocrity. Its a real thing. You're 23 and next thing you know you're 36, bald, fat and waking up next to a bytch that look like snorlax from Pokemon, working at mothafukking jc pennys taking orders from a old white bytch that look like George Washington my nikka, its a real thing.

But the plan is to never have to be stagnant. Its to have tunnel vision and a war like state of mind to will yourself where you want to be. Its going to be hard but if you have that discipline and can endure the struggle it'll come. Finding inner peace and becoming detached is key because yes you miss out on all of the worldly shyt everybody else is doing but you will get to live your life exact how you want it also.

You can be laying on the beach on a beautiful tropical island with a naked young woman laying on top of you...maybe 2 or 3 my nikka. Beautiful skies, clear water, no crackers, no cops, no boss...paradise. Real fly player shyt. Like a fukking movie man
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Jun 26, 2014


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
OP can I make a suggestion. Can you practice bullet pointing your thoughts


I am the most prolific creative artist this side of Pittsburgh, here's why
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If you gone come back with a new attitude, style it up and make it more concise and sleek.

Now you can compete with Napoleon and Brotherzay for thread inundation :mjlol:, but with panache.....:sas1:


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
I was talking to my grandma today and she was asking me about my job search. I told her I got a call back from best buy but decided not to call them back. I got to much self esteem to work there. nikka fukk that, Im a creative genius, im not working for no motherfukking 10 dollars an hour with a bunch of mutated looking motherfukkers that lock like morlocks from x men. I want much. Grandma told me I need to take the job and just be happy to have a job blah blah blah. I just smiled , nodded and said "yes grandma" but the whole time I was visualizing myself in kyoto under the crescent moon light. beautiful stars, warm summer breeze blowing the cherry trees.

Think im going to rot in buffalo and accept my fate as a fukking best employee in racist ass caciamsville aka willaimsville? fukk outta here. man I rather die. if thats my life. put 2 in my head and leave my corpse laying in the gutter because I dont wanna live, Id be dead inside anyway.