Dream and Hustle Doing a Full Investigation to Get to the Bottom of this Financial F*ckery Among Bla


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Dream and Hustle Doing a Full Investigation to Get to the Bottom of this Financial F*ckery Among Black Millennials


Me and my crew are interrupting our normal topic of discussion to focus on the whole Barneys incidents and it is not because of the NYPD actions. I’m more concerned about what is obviously broke-ass Black millennials spending their tax refund checks and multiple paychecks on expensive gear in an ultra-perverse manner. We are going to do data analysis and research to find out what the hell is going on.

Some of you cat want to claim that cats can buy what they want with their money. Those type of comments are frankly shallow and short-sighted at best meant to find excuses instead of understanding why some dude working at Target living with mommy is spending $350 on a belt instead of putting $350 on the electric bill or buying his mom a trip to Atlantic City – the type of shyt real cats do for their mommy for putting up with their behind still in the house. And don’t tell me you “think” he does that nice ish for his mom – I know damn well he does not.

Or some chick paying $2,500 for a purse with her tax refund which means she probably also getting child support or other kind of assistance to blow money like that. Look, I remember working a fast food job as a teenager and saving up my money to buy some expensive shoes I had on layaway at Footlocker – but I was a teenager under the age of 18 years old and that is different. These people running to Barneys are over 18 years of age and their reality does not match their spending pattern and this is absolute financial f*ckery and reckless behavior at best going on in the Black community.

I will give the Black millennials props for not being like that last ignorant generate of the late 1990s and early 2000s who used credit cards to buy this stuff where interest rates jump up to 27.9% for missing a payment by one day. But then again, this is worse because these cats are spending real cash money they don’t have on this materialistic bullcrap. I have to wonder if that chick had $2500 cash in her hand would she run to Barneys and the same with that brotha having $350 cash in his hand – are debit cards and numbers making cats think different about the money they got?

Over and over again, I have to hear some idiot keep saying negative Black media do not impact Black people and these people make their own decisions. And over and over again, I’m finding that statement to be bullshyt and realize Black people are heavily influenced by negative Black media. In both cases, we are seeing a materialistic hip-hop culture and fake-wealth Black style blogs being referenced as to why these two broke-ass people are buying $350 belts and $2500 purses. So we are going to get to the bottom of the source of this information and find out who is the puppet master behind this crap.

So we are doing research right now, getting to the bottom of all this, getting past the ignorant arguments back and forth about what people have the right to buy. This is a serious issue to us – both of these dumb idiots can get their behind jacked and left in an alley and kilt over some materialistic ish. Cats get killed for sneakers and Troop jackets and Jesus piece for the past 25 years, what the f*ck you think will happen if cats walking around with $350 belts and $2500 purses in the hood? So don’t come here with that ignorant shallow argument about cats buy what they want in the hood and think there is not risk and danger with that. Go ahead and buy a brand new nice car over $45K and park it in the hood – let’s see how that turns out.

Thank God we are not a sorry ass publication like Black Enterprise magazine and we will do real work and investigation and find out what the hell is going on and bring the issue to light and find a solution to this reckless financial f*ckery going on. This perverse broke-and-materialistic can be systematic, it can be a trend but one thing is that this is not something that we can ignore and claim freedom of expression – the hood is not a democracy.

When you see brothas and sistas spending in this fashion, it is a sign of something going wrong. Our expertise on retailing indicates this is shopping therapy for something underlying going on. Maybe they trying to compensate for the bad economy by appearing rich, we need to get to the bottom of this and address this matter. Because the Black millenials are the Black youth and we give a f*ck about the Black youth here, we are working on this matter right now and getting to the bottom of it.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
The Barneys Fiasco is Our Black Youth Being Uneducated to Getting Money, Power and Respect