Consciousness over Cookies?

I remember this chick on Joe Budden Podcast speakin on the hoe life

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Has a supposed PhDanother year of treating race traitors and scammers as celebrities because they are "entertaining"
this buffoon is going around the world speaking blowing hot air in crowded rooms full of idiots when it's glaringly obvious he's a thief
when the Black race learns to respect itself we will be unstoppable. but until then stay entertained.
Unless he gay....who doesn't?Umar needs to be just straight up and let it be known he likes to stroke women from time to time while still being a conscious orator to raise funds for his school. All this consciousness over cookies is insane
and it makes everyone look like a joke by extension flying a fraud around the world to speak to Black peopleHas a supposed PhD
But hasn't taught one course or written one book based on empirical analysis
People entertain too many frauds
Consciousness over Cookies?
I remember this chick on Joe Budden Podcast speakin on the hoe life