Dr. T.L. Mukenge & Ms. Samantha Obuobi ASCAC Conference 2016


⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
There are a few commonalities between the BaLuba and the ancient Egyptian conceptualization of the “person” or the “human self.” This can be seen in the video starting at about 5:31 into it. Here we see Dr. Mukenge provide us with the BaLuba concept of the person which includes the body, blood, heart, conscience, soul, life principle, hair, nails, shadow, footprint, and voice.

In ancient Km.t, the Km.tjw also believed in a multi-layered self, which roughly consisted of the kA “soul, spirit,” bA “mind, spirit,” xAyb.t “shadow,” rn “name,” jb “heart,” Swt “shadow,” Ax “effective spirit,” x.t “body,” saH “mummy,” and the sxm “life force, power.” All of these concepts may not have been believed to be associated with the self by all people at one time, but may reflect different cultural or regional conceptualizations in different spaces and time.

The point here is that in each of these respective regions of Africa, the person is not simply a body and mind, but is made up of a “community of spirits,” which Amadou Hampate Ba calls “the people of the person” as it regards the same concepts as expressed among the Mande and Fulani of Mali. Going into these regions of Africa may allow us to get a better understanding of these concepts in Egypt and probably what the rmT.w were trying to convey.


⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
CiLubà, otherwise called Luba-Kasai, is a Bantu dialect of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) transcendently talked in a range relating to the previous territories of Kasai-Oriental furthermore, Kasai-Occidental. It is one of the four national dialects of the DRC, notwithstanding liNgála, kiKongo and kiSwahili. In his referential characterization of the Bantu dialects, Guthrie (1971) arranges ciLubà (L31a) and luLua (L31b) as colloquial assortments having a place with the bigger Luba Group (L30),
counting kaNyok (L32), kiLuba (L33), kiHemba (L34) and kiSanga (L35).

The ciLubà reflex of the Proto-Bantu applicative suffix *-ɪd-is in its essential form - il-, as appeared in Example 1(a). Like all verbal derivational morphemes in Bantu, the practical addition or expansion by and large takes after the verb root, with which it constitutes the verbal base (Schadeberg, 2003). The verb base is the area in which certain long-remove phonological procedures happen, for example, vowel concordance and nasal amicability. These additionally influence the applicative suffix , both in ciLubà and most other Bantu dialects. Much the same as other ciLubà augmentations beginning with a first-degree vowel that is a reflex of the Proto-Bantu second-degree vowels *ɪ or *ʊ, the applicative is liable to vowel concordance when the verb root contains a moment degree vowel e or o.3 It is acknowledged then as - el-, . At the point when the verb root closes in a nasal consonant, ,the applicative undergoes nasal assimilation and is realised as -in- . 4 When both subject to vowel congruity and nasal concordance, its morphophonological acknowledgment is - en-,

applicative itself additionally triggers morphophonological changes of the first consonant,

As in Bantu dialects all the more for the most part, the applicative is a standout amongst the most productive verbal expansions in ciLubà.

the BEN function within the applicative is the most boundless and the most gainful in the Bantu languages

The BEN is the member to the benefit of whom the activity communicated by the primary verb is completed. The AO standsin a topical connection with the action depicted by the verb. This sort of applicative is regular in Bantu. Pylkkänen (2002: 16) calls it 'high applicative', on the grounds that '‘the applicative head attaches above the VP’. It stands in contrast to a ‘low applicative’'. It remains as opposed to a 'low useful', where 'the head consolidates with the immediate protest and indicates an exchange of ownership connection between the immediate question and the connected argument'.Given that it signifies a connection between the AO and the whole verb state, a high applicative does not require a PAT object be exchanged to or from the AO. Accordingly, not just transitive base verbs,but likewise unergative intransitive base verbs can be applicativised in ciLubà so as to be related with a BEN. Linguistically, the practical addition expands the verb's valency with one center contention.

more soon my shooter.