See their actions for what it is, a red flag. Don't assume all sisters were on that time, because most sisters were not out here being misandrists. Those that were, you ignore the next time they have something to say out the side of their mouths about Black men. They show that their judgement is not based on anything but their own feelings in the moment, and therefore are not stable enough to consider taking seriously.
Truth be told, the more concerning misandrist are the males who were parroting the same talking points. I expect males to actually use facts in our assertions, not feelings and attempts to pander to the feelings of females on issues. When shown the actual data, if a male continues to parrot the lies, then I know that male is not serious about the issues or has an element of self-hatred that expresses itself also in hatred of other Black males.
Females are more apt to live in their emotions, and that is something biology and socialization encourages in them. Males should be more logical in our takes on issues.