i'm making this thread is made because of this thread:
@cyndaquil you my dude, but you done got me FUKKED up
Talkin bout:

There may be an overlap of people into that, but just off the optics, how can there NOT be?
I prefer to split the categories into 2 when it comes to SSBBW's: Proportionate (proper) and Inproportionate (sloppy)
Proper SSBBW's have big everything, but their ass & titties still have that curvy feminine shape. They have big guts too, but their t*ts/butts are on the same level big or greater,
ie. This is a proper SSBBW (proportionate)
This is a sloppy SSBBW (inproportionate)
note that these women can look drastically different in each category due to the sheer difference in fat distribution. I know it's complicated, but this is my life 
i'm glad i can clear that up for yall
EDIT- here's a test: which categories do the following fit into?
@cyndaquil you my dude, but you done got me FUKKED up

Talkin bout:
Cyndaquil said:This is a BBW that has ascended even further beyond. I think SSBBW stands for super size big beautiful woman but in my mind, I always think super saiyan BBW. Anyway, this is when things become next-level sloppy. Bellies are now the biggest part of a lady's body by far. Issues walking and performing basic movements. Ridiculous amounts of body fat. This is where people like @Guvnor like to be. SSBBW set men will usually be into feederism and push women to become this weight and continue to gain more to fulfill their fetish at the detriment of their health
let me clairfy this (SS)BBW love for yall. Not all SSBBW lovers are feeders. That is something separateCyndaquil said:You belong to SSBBW set. The opps.

There may be an overlap of people into that, but just off the optics, how can there NOT be?

I prefer to split the categories into 2 when it comes to SSBBW's: Proportionate (proper) and Inproportionate (sloppy)
Proper SSBBW's have big everything, but their ass & titties still have that curvy feminine shape. They have big guts too, but their t*ts/butts are on the same level big or greater,
ie. This is a proper SSBBW (proportionate)

This is a sloppy SSBBW (inproportionate)

i'm glad i can clear that up for yall

EDIT- here's a test: which categories do the following fit into?




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