Don't Believe the Hype: Paid Internet Posers

Aug 12, 2012
The internet is the perfect place to fake one's identity. A lot of the time, you never know, nor can you trace (without some advanced technology) the source of where information comes from. I recently read that a lot of "paid posers" are hired to post negative and racist things about African Americans online.

Several years ago, a false report said "Black men make up the majority of new HIV cases," (Wrong! Black men are only 6% of the population, this is misinformation). Now, the same is being said about African American women (6% of the population). Again, this is propaganda.

These people disrupt message boards with racist rants and insults.

Check out these two examples:

#1: Why are black girls the most undesirable? (For non-black guys). I'm seeing a lot of negative things being said about black women in the media (mainly online). I even saw a forum thread dedicated to how black girls are the ugliest. Sure there are racist people that will say that other races are ugly, but black girls get the most heat. I've seen a lot of black girls ask similar questions, and people just think we're imagining things. I mean, look at the marriage rates. Black women are the least married race. I've heard people say that even black guys don't want black women.

This issue is causing my already low-self esteem to plummet to uncharted territories, even though I think I'm pretty compared to most black girls but not so pretty according to regular beauty standards (if that makes sense). My school is mostly white, but the few black girls that go there don't have boyfriends, and to me they are pretty and seem intelligent. Boys aren't everything and at our young age it's better to be more concerned with our academic and career goals, but I feel so discouraged when it comes to dating (keep in mind that I live in a predominately white area).

In conclusion, I would like to know what it is about black girls that's so unattractive?

*The author of the following post claims she's a black woman.

#2: Black men are incapable of having faithful, lasting relationships. They always do something to mess it up. ALWAYS. They always mess over good women and turn them bitter.

There is an inherent quality of greed, ignorance, and immaturity that prevents them from maintaining their families. They are greedy because they want to bed every fine woman that walks the face of the earth, this prevents them from being faithful which more than likely breaks up the home. They are ignorant because they have yet to realize that they are hurting their race by their senseless baby making and flee mentality. BLACK MEN ARE NO GOOD IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD. They dog sisters (Did you notice the fact that they used "sisters" as opposed to "sistas"? I thought it was worth pointing out).

They run after triflin women and when they are dogged by these sisters, they claim all black women are no good and gold diggers. They hunt for white women and they are only proud when a white woman flanks them, this is their symbol of success. Black men have never done right by their woman and they are not going to start now so any sensible black woman should date outside her race because a black man would do nothing but bring a good woman down.

Black women have been cursed with the existence of black men. But we must make the best of this situation and seek to marry outside our race. Generations have proven that black men are no good.

Black men have no loyalty and bring home diseases. They are uneducated, in prison or don't have a job.

What do you think?
#2 could be a bitter woman's experience but...:wtb: IDK that I believe it. Would people stoop so low as to pay people to post nonsense for the purpose of creating division? Do you believe everything you read online?


May 6, 2012
The internet is the perfect place to fake one's identity. A lot of the time, you never know, nor can you trace (without some advanced technology) the source of where information comes from. I recently read that a lot of "paid posers" are hired to post negative and racist things about African Americans online.

Several years ago, a false report said "Black men make up the majority of new HIV cases," (Wrong! Black men are only 6% of the population, this is misinformation). Now, the same is being said about African American women (6% of the population). Again, this is propaganda.

These people disrupt message boards with racist rants and insults.

Check out these two examples:

What do you think?
#2 could be a bitter woman's experience but...:wtb: IDK that I believe it. Would people stoop so low as to pay people to post nonsense for the purpose of creating division? Do you believe everything you read online?
