are they that mentally handicapped ?
Same thing I said in the Acension thread -- I dont think its possible for a heel to get "I wanna jump the rail and kill you" heat from the fans these days. You have to think the shyt is real to get that mad. The closest thing they can get to that in this present time is "you have no redeeming qualities and I will absolutely not cheer you" heat, which is why Kane and Big Show are still employed. There's no confusion in a Kane match as to who is gonna get cheered or boo'ed. Which means Flabby Reigns is gonna face Kane sometime soon.
Kane and BS are the 3 fat chicks that a hot chick hangs out with to make herself look hotter.
In their minds, Kane and Big Show are still scary, invincible monsters. But years and years of irreparable and damaging booking have put them at the same level of everyone else. Hell, Big Show has been like that since the beginning. At least Kane had some fire on his debut months.
i agree with you for the most part. but i do think its possible to get some good heat. If WWE played it right with reigns they couldve had that heat on him for a good while. the issue is they dont let the stories build themselves. they care more about the stories instead of the booking. the booking will bring stories which the fans will feed into
You're not supposed to like them. If they were entertaining you would like them. They are there to contrast against the interesting entertaining likeable guys."Solid" and "consistent" were the words used by Austin & HHH on the podcast to describe Kane.
I would throw in "boring", "stale" and "tired" as well. He hasn't been interesting, entertaining or relevant since 2002.
I always thought big show was lazy and never really had his full heart in the business. He's one of those wrestlers that clearly goes through the motions most of the time, but hey keep gettin` them wwe checks
Kane is in a better place gimmick wise in my opinion. I like that the wwe has finally put that played out monster/ mask gimmick in the trash. Corporate kane is refreshing compared to the amount of years they've spent on destroying kane`s big red monster gimmick.
It's definitely coming.Are they really trying to bring that broken mask gimmick back?![]()