Does race exist without racism?

The 2020 New Member

Dec 12, 2012
Many folks, including myself, vocalize that race doesn't exist. It clearly does. And it's nothing to be ashamed of. It's actually a beautiful thing that you get to wear everything that has come before you on the outside. Also, with so much mixing from the beginning until now, it gives us proof that we are all connected. We are history in the flesh. However, systematic racism has forced a clear separation on many levels. This thread is not about stopping racism as much as a discussion of this basic question:

If racism didnt exist how and why would we have races?

The 2020 New Member

Dec 12, 2012
Then simply the phenotype would create a divide or "race".

It's said we're in a color blind society, but if you see a light skin person with slant eyes then you know it's a Asian, simply on phenotype. Race will always be here.
I agree but the highlighted is exactly what raised this question in my mind. Is Asian actually a type of race? There are so many different types of people all across asia. We don't typically call Russians "asians" nor Indian peoples. If race is genetic, that would mean that there would be a finite number of races (more or less, considering mutations). let's assume that society and biology are in tandem when in comes to race. The zeitgeist not only determines how certain races are treated but also what constitutes the race. With it being so malleable, how can there be any scientific basis outside of skin color? Japanese don't claim "Asian" until, in my experience, 2nd gen in the USA. If you're straight Nihongo, then that's it. Period. "Asian" is a made up word (edit: a word made up to get you to adhere to a race that may/may not be in line with your actual heritage).

Some of that is neither here nor there. Just trying to provide some insight into where I'm at in this notion of race. Now before I get off the rails, I want to revisit the question, are you saying that racism will always exist?; Can race exist without racism?


Feb 24, 2015
people saying race is not real always confuses me. I get that it is not a biological reality but you cant deny it is a very real thing. But to answer OP's question the key to ending racism is not being color blind, The key to stop racism is learning how to notice each other differences and learning how to respect them. The idea that a person is superior because they are another race is what needs to die, not the concept of race.

However I doubt it will ever end. Humans by nature are tribal. We all have a need to belong to a group and features/culture is the best way to define the groups. We also have a need to feel superior and exclude people for not being apart of our groups.

The 2020 New Member

Dec 12, 2012
Racism exists when one group has the ability to dominate and determine outcomes of others. If birds of a feather flocked together, there'd be no issue.
No offense but that is redundant and also false. People that look the same quarrel on myriad levels. Nothing will stop human conflict.
people saying race is not real always confuses me. I get that it is not a biological reality but you cant deny it is a very real thing. But to answer OP's question the key to ending racism is not being color blind, The key to stop racism is learning how to notice each other differences and learning how to respect them. The idea that a person is superior because they are another race is what needs to die, not the concept of race.

However I doubt it will ever end. Humans by nature are tribal. We all have a need to belong to a group and features/culture is the best way to define the groups. We also have a need to feel superior and exclude people for not being apart of our groups.
I would say this a lot with the caveat that it isn't biological. However many think it is :mjpls:

Also, shouldn't the concept die with accepting our similarities, not noticing our differences? I like your method but if that is the case, shouldn't we be teaching white kids solely* about blacks and vice versa (eg.)? Is the "melting pot" teaching method actually indoctrinated young folks with racist tendencies. We have to honest and recognize that most adults aren't going to change. But we can do something for the children.

*edit: because you would learn all you need to know about your race at home or just by simply being that race


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
humans are not homogeneous in appearance

if it wasn't for the vast geographical divides and isolation in the past I don't think there would be distinct "races"
motherfukkers share features because they descend from the same tribe
tribe grows into nation after long history of fukking on relatives

now if that wasn't the case I think we'd most likely find something else to create a line of division other than similarities/differences in appearance

who knows¿

man fukk it I'm sure one of the colis thorough e-scholar resident smartnikkas got the answers

I'm just young and ignant:yeshrug:+

The 2020 New Member

Dec 12, 2012
humans are not homogeneous in appearance

if it wasn't for the vast geographical divides and isolation in the past I don't think there would be distinct "races"
motherfukkers share features because they descend from the same tribe
tribe grows into nation after long history of fukking on relatives

now if that wasn't the case I think we'd most likely find something else to create a line of division other than similarities/differences in appearance

who knows¿

man fukk it I'm sure one of the colis thorough e-scholar resident smartnikkas got the answers

I'm just young and ignant:yeshrug:+

So you think that it could be possible that even if we eliminate the basis for racism as we know it today, that something else would be the defining factor in superficially separating people? I don't think anything could match up to what skin color has become as a classification.


Feb 24, 2015
Also, shouldn't the concept die with accepting our similarities, not noticing our differences? I like your method but if that is the case, shouldn't we be teaching white kids about blacks and vice versa (eg.)? Is the "melting pot" teaching method actually indoctrinated young folks with racist tendencies. We have to honest and recognize that most adults aren't going to change. But we can do something for the children.
I see where you are coming from but racism in the united states is very one sided white people have the power to oppress other races not the other way around. We should of course expose the kids to one another but white kids need to be taught more than black kids.

I also think this "melting pot" culture we have is not genuine. How can you claim america is a melting pot when you have white people represented everywhere in a positive light and black people in a negative light. I think whites are taught that blacks are entertainment in this country at a young age. Most white learn about black people from television, So yes I think the "melting pot" culture does make people more racist.
We have to honest and recognize that most adults aren't going to change.
That is true, I have already became cynical about America and white people. I fear for future generation because I don't want them to be as cynical and pessimistic as me but they should know that this country does not have their best interest at heart. It's tough I don't want my kids to be angry like I am but I don't want them to be naive and don't want them to get that nikka wake up call.


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
So you think that it could be possible that even if we eliminate the basis for racism as we know it today, that something else would be the defining factor in superficially separating people? I don't think anything could match up to what skin color has become as a classification.

I have no clue

from what I can see most humanity has always been prone to fukkery

heaven/paradise/utopia doesn't look like something for the masses

I just govern myself I choose to treat people according to their actions and I'm learning to avoid all the aggy motherfukkers on the net and in real life

c00nbyya koonbyye:yeshrug::troll:+

The 2020 New Member

Dec 12, 2012
I see where you are coming from but racism in the united states is very one sided white people have the power to oppress other races not the other way around. We should of course expose the kids to one another but white kids need to be taught more than black kids.

I also think this "melting pot" culture we have is not genuine. How can you claim america is a melting pot when you have white people represented everywhere in a positive light and black people in a negative light. I think whites are taught that blacks are entertainment in this country at a young age. Most white learn about black people from television, So yes I think the "melting pot" culture does make people more racist.

That is true, I have already became cynical about America and white people. I fear for future generation because I don't want them to be as cynical and pessimistic as me but they should know that this country does not have their best interest at heart. It's tough I don't want my kids to be angry like I am but I don't want them to be naive and don't want them to get that nikka wake up call.

Word. Why the hell can't we just teach one generation of kids that race doesn't exist? Just to see what happens. How unethical could it be? Ha. It couldn't be any worse than what's already happening. Of course, in the USA, most white people probably wouldn't bother with what would be viewed as relinquishing power.