You are knocking...but whatever...
That quote isn't an attribute for religion, it's a statement that's true in general. And it's not from some random clergyman, it's from Jesus. If you think the statement 100%, then we have no difference here...
That's cool
and I don't give a sh1t if Jesus said that bro, I'm sure he said alot of sh1t. Son was a pretty interesting hippy for the most part.....whether he existed or not.
The difference is...... I can read that quote and say

interesting. While you read it be on some....
"By the way, it wasn't some ordinary n1gga who said was JESUSSSSSS...DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN.....SO it must be 100, That n1gga is God, son....pun intended"
Not to take anything away from Jesus I understand that you believe this man was God in human form and all that nonsense, but is it not at all possible that similar things have been said in Buddhism, Confucius, Hindu scripture?
I'm not a scholar of religion, maybe it did originate with duke tho.... I'm just a student who finds some of it I wouldn't know
N1ggas will read some common sense sh1t in Proverbs and swear that it's divine.
We're products of evolution bro.....
no really....sperm meets egg....9 months later we're here. God didn't play a part in that b. It's simple biology. No one who has a decent understanding of anthropology can be a christian....or atleast claim to be a mainstream orthodox/what's universally accepted as being a christian
I'm not against the concept of "God" and I'm not saying that it can't exist....but isn't it blatantly obvious that the "God" in organized religion is fictitious? Grown ass men still believing in that bullsh1t is

to me. Praying is for retarded people bro.... God has never answered any prayers.....any miracle that people claim happen is just sh1t that would have happened anyway.
I know this is beating a dead horse and the phrase is pretty old now but why doesn't God heal amputees?
Son created the world in 7 days but can't miraculously make a limb grow back?