Does anybody on here like to draw?

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
If you do, I'm looking for some artist.
I will need you to draw various things over the coming months
Your drawings will be seen by a large audience, maybe it can turn into something bigger for you?
Get your work seen n shiznit :manny:
Will mostly be video game related designs, but not limited to
I spoke with someone about this back on sohh, was it @illwittdeez ?
But whoever is down, let me know asap. :handshake:


Oct 29, 2012
If you do, I'm looking for some artist.
I will need you to draw various things over the coming months
Your drawings will be seen by a large audience, maybe it can turn into something bigger for you?
Get your work seen n shiznit :manny:
Will mostly be video game related designs, but not limited to
I spoke with someone about this back on sohh, was it @illwittdeez ?
But whoever is down, let me know asap. :handshake:
How much we getting for this?

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
How much we getting for this?
You want me to pay you, to promote you? If what you do turns into something you'll get all the credit
And we can start talking about $$$ from that point. Right now, only thing I seen you do is this
How much we getting for this?
Show me somthing YOU did. Cuz right now, you not even picked na mean :birdman:

Feel free to pass on an opportunity if I'm being too vague for you :manny:


aka Breh Wyatt
May 3, 2012
Da Yo 330, Ohio
If you do, I'm looking for some artist.
I will need you to draw various things over the coming months
Your drawings will be seen by a large audience, maybe it can turn into something bigger for you?
Get your work seen n shiznit :manny:
Will mostly be video game related designs, but not limited to
I spoke with someone about this back on sohh, was it @illwittdeez ?
But whoever is down, let me know asap. :handshake:
I used to draw but I haven't in years don't really have the drive or the time now

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I used to draw but I haven't in years don't really have the drive or the time now
Well if anybody likes to draw game characters, your drawings could be picked to be used on a website.
I got a friend starting up a site, and I'd toss him any picutres you or anyone else has or wants to make
If its good, or if you just really wanna be seen. I'll try to look out for whoever from here.
I was just curious if anyone wanted to try this. Cuz its going down with or without coli-members na mean :manny:


Go spurs
May 26, 2012
Draw a nice peaceful family with a dad who's devoting time to them. On a CLEAN MATTRESS WITH CLEAN SHEETS. :manny:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
:camby: wit dat shyt.

Artists brehs don't ever fall for dis kinda garbage. Especially when da only form currency for your labor is an empty comfort of "prolly profits"

Mufukkas been screwing young n hungry artists for decades wit dat kinda nonsense. :rudy:
Thanks for clearing that up OG Stankbrefs who speaks for "artist"
Artist, Ya boy PS4-dog is trying to give you an opportunity to have your art featured on a website.
Just so we clear, no confusion/etc. I don't know what any of you can do. And I really don't give a shyt what you have done. I only care about what you are gonna do. If your shyt is off the hook imo, you got the job
Now, you can scribble in a book, your notepad, show OG Stankbrefs bytchass your spiderman drawing if thats what you want to gain

Or you can draw something I ask you, and then that drawing will be used on a website, you can then be like "nikka, I drew that"
I'm not asking for a Picaso, just someone with basic drawing skillz that wants there shyt seen.
This isn't slave work, its free time fun shyt. Not asking anyone to quit there job at Hardee's to draw for me
And I'm being 100% serious about your art being used, there is a good chance it will be used.

If not, thats perfectly fine. I just thought I'd ask the community that I am a part of first before I go elsewhere :manny:
It is comforting to see all these posters who don't post in any threads, running full speed in here to hate.
Don't get left out cuz of those haters Arcadium. Or it will be your own dumbass fault (Tru Story)
Holla @ me here or PM if you you'd rather avoid the hate that will surely follow :win:


Duck Season
May 2, 2012
Los Scandalous
Thanks for clearing that up OG Stankbrefs who speaks for "artist"
Artist, Ya boy PS4-dog is trying to give you an opportunity to have your art featured on a website.
Just so we clear, no confusion/etc. I don't know what any of you can do. And I really don't give a shyt what you have done. I only care about what you are gonna do. If your shyt is off the hook imo, you got the job
Now, you can scribble in a book, your notepad, show OG Stankbrefs bytchass your spiderman drawing if thats what you want to gain

Or you can draw something I ask you, and then that drawing will be used on a website, you can then be like "nikka, I drew that"
I'm not asking for a Picaso, just someone with basic drawing skillz that wants there shyt seen.
This isn't slave work, its free time fun shyt. Not asking anyone to quit there job at Hardee's to draw for me
And I'm being 100% serious about your art being used, there is a good chance it will be used.

If not, thats perfectly fine. I just thought I'd ask the community that I am a part of first before I go elsewhere :manny:
It is comforting to see all these posters who don't post in any threads, running full speed in here to hate.
Don't get left out cuz of those haters Arcadium. Or it will be your own dumbass fault (Tru Story)
Holla @ me here or PM if you you'd rather avoid the hate that will surely follow :win:
  • Dap
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PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Yeah :patrice: I think I'll have to change up how this works out.
I asked people from a few websites if they wanted to have there art featured (like game art/etc)
The results from the other sites have been only positive, and everyone isn't on some selfish shyt like here :manny:
If anyone wants to try, I'll still look out. Its just now there might be a line.
They was hoping for maybe 10 pictures (from various artist) and now it seems like we'll have way too many to pic from
I did say I'd look out, so if anyone is truly interested. And you decent, I'll still reserve a spot for my nikkaz :salute:

And the drawing style is up to you if selected. It can be serious, cartoony, just no nudity.
Thanks in advance to whoever comes forward, hollaback...


Da Spice...
May 1, 2012
Thanks for clearing that up OG Stankbrefs who speaks for "artist"
Artist, Ya boy PS4-dog is trying to give you an opportunity to have your art featured on a website.
Just so we clear, no confusion/etc. I don't know what any of you can do. And I really don't give a shyt what you have done. I only care about what you are gonna do. If your shyt is off the hook imo, you got the job
Now, you can scribble in a book, your notepad, show OG Stankbrefs bytchass your spiderman drawing if thats what you want to gain

Or you can draw something I ask you, and then that drawing will be used on a website, you can then be like "nikka, I drew that"
I'm not asking for a Picaso, just someone with basic drawing skillz that wants there shyt seen.
This isn't slave work, its free time fun shyt. Not asking anyone to quit there job at Hardee's to draw for me
And I'm being 100% serious about your art being used, there is a good chance it will be used.

If not, thats perfectly fine. I just thought I'd ask the community that I am a part of first before I go elsewhere :manny:
It is comforting to see all these posters who don't post in any threads, running full speed in here to hate.
Don't get left out cuz of those haters Arcadium. Or it will be your own dumbass fault (Tru Story)
Holla @ me here or PM if you you'd rather avoid the hate that will surely follow :win:

I been a concept designer in da entertainment industry for da past 7 years. I've seen and heard first hand da type of bullshyt proposal you layin down. When I talk/review portfolios wit young aspiring artists, hell just artist in general dat's one of da many things i warn em about. Copyrighting their work, trademarks, and learning how to create n develop contracts for future clients. I've seen a lot of folks get screwed falling fo da same kinds of :duck: you spittin.

Because so many out here are hungry/eager to get any kind of limb into da door of dis industry dey have da naive mind set of "well at least mah work will get out dere :manny: " .WRONG. If dey arent hip to da game dey can get got n taken advantage of very easily. Happens everyday.

You don't know wtf you're talkin about nikka. :camby:

Oh and :heh: @ your attempt to offer ME an opportunity. Go sit down somewhere.


PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I been a concept designer in da entertainment industry for da past 7 years. I've seen and heard first hand da type of bullshyt proposal you layin down. When I talk/review portfolios wit young aspiring artists, hell just artist in general dat's one of da many things i warn em about. Copyrighting their work, trademarks, and learning how to create n develop contracts for future clients. I've seen a lot of folks get screwed falling fo da same kinds of :duck: you spittin.

Because so many out here are hungry/eager to get any kind of limb into da door of dis industry dey have da naive mind set of "well at least mah work will get out dere :manny: " .WRONG. If dey arent hip to da game dey can get got n taken advantage of very easily. Happens everyday.

You don't know wtf you're talkin about nikka. :camby:

Oh and :heh: @ your attempt to offer ME an opportunity. Go sit down somewhere.
You seem very passionate, but the problem is you don't know me bytch (Tru Story)
You have no idea what the fukk YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT when it concerns whats going on here
Do artist get taken advantage of? Portfolios n shyt? I'm not looking for all that (I'll take it) but its not THAT SERIOUS.

Im all for this community so I can appreciate what your trying to do, but you wrong bruh.
This isn't IGN, its a lil rinky dink site that would like to have some "free" artwork.
I don't need a nikka with a portfolio, I'm just lookin for a nikka who likes to draw, wouldn't mind drawing a fukkin LINK or Mario or some shyt. But you over here making it seem like that rinky dink Mario pic should have a watermark next next to it with a password to view the photo. Its not that serious.

So to ease a nikka who calls himself stankbref's bytchassness. Please, if you have portfolio's and you want to use a pic from there? Please don't do that, because your picture might get seen, and I guess nikkaz will then come knocking down my door saying "I'll give you 100million for the rights to that photo"
I'll think of you for a moment, then I'll be like :shaq: as I drive to the bank with the suicide doors still up :win:

All artist will receive recognition on the site which eliminates the dumbshyt shytbreath yappin about anywayz, hollaback...