We do have to have a show of force because white folks do not take us seriosuly and do not fear us.White supremacist groups open fire at the BLM protest at Minneapolis. We need to protect our own since the pigs wont. Another thing is whites have armed protest as a show of force. Since we blacks are a minority,surrounded on all side in the belly of the beast we have to be in the defensive. In the 33 strategies of War a strategy is to "Creat a Threatening Presence." The gist is "The best way to fight off aggressors is to keep them from attacking you in the first place. Build up a reputation:You're a little crazy. Fighting you is not worth it. Uncertanity is sometimes better then overt threat. If your opponets are never sure what messing with you will cost, they will not want to find out." Imagine in BLM protest facing down police with armed black milita men. Cops will not want to escalate a situation like this because even if we are a minority no city wants a shootout between black militamen against police. Cuz it will bloody it will open a Pandoras box. America's weakness is that any little escalation against instabilty could open other nations taking advantage of it. So a black milita force could be leverage against the establishment. Doing this,along building an economy so we can self sufficent from white society,protest,voting will scare white folks.