as soon as i see a dude has a six pack i know i can beast on them. true warriors dont mess with six packs thats for girly boys who have pencil moustache and no edges in their beards. a six pack doesnt increase the chance you can catch a bullet or stop a knife jab. its useless and its an eye sore to me, and now in 2017 if i spot you with that mthafcka i know i could slap you to sleep.

all my true warriors with the dope phyique dont have them, dudes miss interpret bruce lee's physique but he was a skinny type A frame. its really not about the six pack, cowboys and builders and fighters would laugh if you think the six pack makes you stronger or look better it looks gay.
and im talking bout the six pack not good abdomens, the disgusting six pack

all my true warriors with the dope phyique dont have them, dudes miss interpret bruce lee's physique but he was a skinny type A frame. its really not about the six pack, cowboys and builders and fighters would laugh if you think the six pack makes you stronger or look better it looks gay.
and im talking bout the six pack not good abdomens, the disgusting six pack
