Firstly, I'd recommend finishing school. On top of the benefits a standard undergrad degree brings (surely, not what it used to be but still exponentially more useful than merely having your high school diploma), the opportunity to being exposed to many different ideas, point of views, and philosophies (not just in the class room) is invaluable. Also, perhaps you could minor in music. Learn about the history of music from the Greeks to Baroque era to Minimalism to Hip-Hop. Take a full year of theory and increase your production game ten-fold (if you haven't already done so).
To answer your question: financially, do I/could I currently live solely off of the revenue I receive from music? Unlikely. That is ultimately the goal, though.
Btw, I know school isn't for everyone so, by all means, please don't be offended if any of you have never continued your education past high school. You don't need to go to school to be intelligent/wise - I came across plenty of dummies while at school. Also, College/Universities are very damn expensive and at this point seem like a racket. However, there are many skills one can learn/refine while attending university. Lord knows the majority of people can't speak or write for sh*t in the United States. Finally, with respect to making a living off music, a sharpened business acumen is imperative! Learning the fundamentals of accounting, management, finance, marketing, information systems etc. can greatly facilitate any entrepreneurial endeavor.