Just a question for my HL folks. I was wondering this-Do we put too much emphasis on the Presidential Election and not the Congressional- while reflecting on Obamas last 4 years in office. Typically every legislative election people tend to not pay as much attention to it and vote for the previous person in office. Now I warn you my understanding of politics aren't great and I'm wondering thru checks and balances if our emphasis on the presidential election should be on par with the congressional. This stems from Obama's policies being blocked a lot in congress. My understanding of the legislative branch is that congress holds the bulk of the political power as it can create and pass laws on its own, and override the president if it so desires. And, It can also block many of the President's appointments and effectively tie his hands if it so desires. The Dems held 57 seats 2 years ago and now are down to 51:47. I see this shift changing more in the next legislative election with the Repubs gaining control of the House and Congress. What are your thoughts? School me.
Also, is there a site where I can get a crash course on american politics, I'm stuck here at work on graveyard with nothing to do but read.
Also, is there a site where I can get a crash course on american politics, I'm stuck here at work on graveyard with nothing to do but read.