Depends on the clubs you hit too.
Your run of the mill every weekend club isnt gonna play him. In the states they're gonna flood the set with usual Khaled/Hit Boy/Ross/Wayne stuff (In the case of the UK, its them clubs that insist on playing US tracks from 10 years back cause they cant really fukk with the south, but will sprinkle Wayne, Nicki and them anyway)
But you get those Hip-Hop nights at clubs and bars that super deep with it and play old school and underground. Its not uncommon to hear a Made You Look, Hate me Now, Nas is Like etc.
I'm still trying to figure out why I heard You Owe Me three times at the Carnival afterpary up in Westbourne last month (although that was a nice mix of old and new hip-hop that night)
Nowadays theres enough spots to find an array of hip-hop music anywhere in the world