Almost as perplexing as letting the white man come in and take your people, your land, your resources, and indoctrinate you with his religion.
Then after all that, do nothing in retaliation, and further appease said white man by promoting his mind control religion, and looking down on your own people who you gave up and never tried to avenge. Quite perplexing.
African Americans are a constant reminder, that Africans were cowards when it came to white men. Quick to attack your own, but you straighten up real quick for white daddy, don't you?
I don't look at it that way.
At that time was being colonized by the British, French, Portuguese, and whoever else in Europe had warships they could spare to conquer distant lands.
In every war there are winners and there are losers. African tribes and nation's that were previously preoccupied with fighting each other were being picked apart by better equipped, more powerful enemIES that they hadn't seen before. They took their Ls and still haven't recovered.
That hatred you have against Africans should really be aimed at the British, your former slave masters who, while they allowed slavery in their colonies (modern day USA, Jamaica, Virgin islands, etc) also went onto colonize many territories in Africa and conditioning them to be the way they are.
Remember America (the nation) merely inherited and continued the slavery of Africans. Slavery was already here while this was still a British territory.