I mean do they tend to be better movies in general?...they're probably better for women....?
...why would two woman characters talking have nothing to do with the main story?NO.
If a movie/tv show got 2 broads in it, that aren't the main characters, yappin about something that ain't related to the plot - 99% of the time - IT'S TRASH.
Not because it's 2 females on some BS, but because it has nothing to do with the main story.
That's like having 2 white dudes in the middle of a John Coltrane bio pic talk about if adding prunes to the potato salad is better than just plain ol raisins.
Like we've seen time and time again, the key to having representation is not tacking on some side characters to diversify things up, but to give those "minorities" and "under-represented" people their own vehicles AND make sure the stories are good.
...why would two woman characters talking have nothing to do with the main story?
I'm pretty whatever on the issue, but your entire position is that 'movies star men and everyone should be talking about them' which...is on some caveman shyt, but whatever...I'm not going to do research because I don't really care.That's essentially what they're asking for.
Most movies have male leads doing stuff. Everyone in the film basically is talking about them/what they're doing.