Reality ... NO breh
I was here 3 years before I got my papers right
Tourist Visa gives you 6 months in states at a time. So you can stay like 5 months, leave for a weekend and refresh that. Hustle under the table. Student Visa (which is EASY to get, apply to school get accepted, show that you can pay for school fees from money back home), you can stay without having to dip home every 6mos.
-or skip those 2, and buy a chick a ring and get the easy , Get engaged to a chick and get a Fiance Visa
-or If you want to be solo-dolo, apply for jobs and any serious "career" job may help you get your Work permit. Most dont, if its a field that aint serious and they can hire any American for the job.
I came on student -visa, worked under table, then got married.... If you can't find a female to marry in 2-3 years of ducking ICE.