#AskDixie Have you considered using a Bingo hall for your venue, and if you have, do you think you'd get a full room of fans?
#AskDixie If Jerry Lawyer collapsed from a heart attack on the air during Impact, would you release him before or after CPR was complete?
#AskDixie What do you call a 6,972 seat arena with 300 people in it? If you guessed "TNA Live Event" you'd win a beer cozy from Direct Auto.
@TNADixie, you've now released a pregnant woman and a person disabled on your watch. Hope you enjoy lawsuits.
#AskDixie Remember everyone, Be A Star...by not joining TNA
#AskDixie will you provide me with free tickets for next live event?wait nvm I don't need them
#AskDixie Do you know that Dolph Ziggler can sell more bumps in one match than
@IMPACTWRESTLING can sell tickets in a week of house shows?
Will you buy a bus for the TNA crew to save money? Is so, i recommend Nick Hogan as a driver.