Apparently Dish AND AT&T are set to drop AMC tomorrow.
In a nutshell, the Dish/AMC beef stems from Dish's carriage of channels from the failed Voom service and Dish claiming to have been swindled on the deal and is being taken to court by AMC's parent company for breaking contract. (AMC's parent company owned Voom) AMC claims that this is the reason Dish is dropping AMC
But wait, there's more:
Nobody knew about AT&T and AMC having a dispute until this week IIRC. AT&T says the same thing Dish is saying (AMC wants more money). However, AT&T has no ties to the Voom lawsuit whatsoever so basically AMC is being accused by TWO providers of publicly telling
Going by Charlie Ergen's past record of channel disputes as well as the bad blood betwen Dish and Rainbow, Dish customers are pretty much about kiss AMC goodbye for the foreseeable future tomorrow
Edit: Dish has placed HDNet Movies in AMCs spot as its replacement (HDNet and HDNet Movies Required the Blockbuster @ Home package previously), Style HD has replaced WE HD, and regular HDNet had replaced IFC. Sundance, however is