Don’t Be Like He-Man
Lately this girl i'm seeing, sometimes one of her argument is I don't understand how great a force is a woman's intuition
I'm not gonna list all the examples of her doing it but just when we fight sometimes if someone is true or not she will say a woman's intuition can make it fact.
It's so hair pulling, she even used that line once when I cheated on her in dreams. I said that was just a dream I didn't actually cheat on you, but then she says well then why did she have that dream? And continues to tie the dream to a woman's intuition.
Anyone ever experience that? How do you combat that?
We used to argue about it, but now I don't know what to say anymore......
I'm not gonna list all the examples of her doing it but just when we fight sometimes if someone is true or not she will say a woman's intuition can make it fact.
It's so hair pulling, she even used that line once when I cheated on her in dreams. I said that was just a dream I didn't actually cheat on you, but then she says well then why did she have that dream? And continues to tie the dream to a woman's intuition.
Anyone ever experience that? How do you combat that?
We used to argue about it, but now I don't know what to say anymore......