Turns out they are all manfuactured by a company out in Taiwan called Hanpin.
Hanpin, build *my* turntable!
Hanpin's website.
Hanpin Electron
Since Technics discontinueed production on their 1200 turntables, the market for a DD (direct drive) TT for DJs was wide open. Pioneer contracted Hanpin to build their turntables for them since they had already cornered the market on CDJs and have become industry standard, next to their mixers.
The Pioneer PLX-500 (yes, they are Hanpins)
audio technica Lp 120s (hanpin as well)
Roland 909 TT (more than likely Hanpin OEMs as well)
Hanpin, build *my* turntable!
Hanpin's website.
Hanpin Electron
Since Technics discontinueed production on their 1200 turntables, the market for a DD (direct drive) TT for DJs was wide open. Pioneer contracted Hanpin to build their turntables for them since they had already cornered the market on CDJs and have become industry standard, next to their mixers.

The Pioneer PLX-500 (yes, they are Hanpins)

audio technica Lp 120s (hanpin as well)

Roland 909 TT (more than likely Hanpin OEMs as well)