Developing a talent


May 17, 2012

Very rarely does talent get talked about. But talent is a gift you’re born with. Others will wonder how do you what you do. But even you will struggle to articulate it into words. It is a divine gift.

Great comedians
- Think of your favorite comedians. Think of how effortlessly it is for them to come up with witty jokes. That’s a gift. Dave Chappelle. Kat Williams. Tom Segura. Just to name a few.
Great writers
- We all speak English. But there are certain people that can use the English language to captivate audiences. So much that they adapt their works into movies. J.K Rowling.
Great inventors
- inventions are just about the only authentic way to skyrocket yourself to new unexplored heights

Not everyone will be academically successful. But you must understand many ways lead to the top.

Ford, Back in the early 1900s was ridiculed as an uneducated farm boy. But this farm boy grew up tinkering with the machines of the farm. and from that, developed an idea on how to make cars affordable. He dominated the market.

David vs. Goliath. David, a 12 year old boy confronted Goliath, a seasoned fighter, on the battlefield. Goliath was angered. How dare this little thing challenge me?!! He reasoned. His experience taught him no one would ever best him one on one. David, on the other hand was in charge of watching over his fathers animals. And during the course of that duty, he encountered and defeated dangerous animals. David was raised by the wild. And On that fateful day, Goliath was expecting a different type of fight. One that involved swords and arrows. And maybe even wrestling. But David had a different idea. You see, In the wild, he perfected the art of slinging. So when he picked up those rocks, he did with them what had never been done before. He toppled an entire army, single-handedly.

Goliath is the sophisticated entities out in the world today that seeks to belittle you simply for doing things in ways their mind is unable to process. They tell you you are a nobody unless you have a degree from Ivy League schools. Ignore them. Follow that voice. The unmistakable instinct that nudges. And kings and queens will seek out your counsel.


Dec 15, 2019
Unless we are talking about physical traits like fast twitch fibers for athletes or autistic people being wired as savants, I don't believe you are born with talents.

We all enter the world more or less retarded and don't get remotely good at anything until middle school. I'm willing to wager it's a matter of time investment, rather than innate traits . For example, our young artist is not necessarily innately talented, but rather; he has spent night and day drawing and scribbling on paper since he was 8; whereas the avg person draws a couple times per year and hasn't invested time. Same can be said for a math whiz who excelle at calculation.

I pick these 2 as an example because I one day got to meet two extremely talented people in both areas and became close enough to both people that they showed me their habits and the many many many many many filled sketchbooks the artist had since childhood. Same could be said for the math whiz who explained how early their parents guided them toward math text books; while the other kids were playing tag or video games.

Guess Who

May 5, 2012
Unless we are talking about physical traits like fast twitch fibers for athletes or autistic people being wired as savants, I don't believe you are born with talents.

We all enter the world more or less retarded and don't get remotely good at anything until middle school. I'm willing to wager it's a matter of time investment, rather than innate traits . For example, our young artist is not necessarily innately talented, but rather; he has spent night and day drawing and scribbling on paper since he was 8; whereas the avg person draws a couple times per year and hasn't invested time. Same can be said for a math whiz who excelle at calculation.

I pick these 2 as an example because I one day got to meet two extremely talented people in both areas and became close enough to both people that they showed me their habits and the many many many many many filled sketchbooks the artist had since childhood. Same could be said for the math whiz who explained how early their parents guided them toward math text books; while the other kids were playing tag or video games.
I think it’s a little bit of both. If you’ve ever spent a lot of time around kids you’ll notice that some people just have a natural aptitude for certain things and often continue doing those things because of the praise and positive feedback they received at a young age.

Using your example, I used to draw everyday for hours as a kid and while I got pretty good at it, I was not even close to some of the savants in art class. Yet on the other hand, the two things I’m best at, writing and speaking, are things that I hated doing and absolutely did not practice. I despised anything to do with writing until I was forced to do a writing assignment and a teacher called me gifted. Even to this day I don’t write often yet I’ve had multiple things published and had some of my writing adapted to other mediums. As for speaking, I was depressed through most of high school and university and didn’t talk to anybody really and then one day I show up on stage and I’m killing it. Granted, I did read A LOT when I was growing up, which I’m sure helped, but there are things that I can do with writing and speaking that I can’t even explain to myself. It’s just natural.

On the other end, I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to be a rapper and only became good for an amateur but not good enough to sell records. And if we wanna talk about notebooks of art, I have libraries of rhymes but no matter how much I practiced I could never put it all together as an artist. It ain’t where my talent is.

I have a kid who taught himself how to play piano in a week with just YouTube and no teacher. And I don’t mean no Mary Had a Little Lamb, I mean Beethoven (literally). He also came home one day in grade 7 with a picture he drew in class and it’s one of the most amazing abstract self portraits I’ve ever seen. And this kid doesn’t ever draw or paint or anything. These things are just natural for him.

Anyway, I do think that some people are just naturally good at some things, but you gotta practice to become amazing at anything. I also think it’s possible to become amazing at something you have no natural aptitude for if there’s enough practice and coaching. It’s complex.


Jan 1, 2018
Everyone steps in the Game with a mission etched in their chest, a chief prime aim. Thing is the Game itself (or those running it) have other plans and they're implemented by the emotionally dead and disconnected (aka your parents) who bought you in and make you just like them - another cog in the System. You were once a process. Now processed. That is the difference.

Those that resist face an even greater challenge and those that thrive and survive often then have to battle with a whole new set of demons. This is why the tortured artist, lonely megastar and suicidal comedian is a thing. Very few people are truly happy when compared to a childs innate state. Even that is being eroded at a rapid rate. I really do wonder about the true nature of this realm and our reason for being because the facts as they stand paint a totally different picture to any officially sanctioned tale.

The rest of the people are numb, dumb and ignorant as they amuse themselves to death as they comprehend not the shadows depth hence ignorance being bliss.

81/11/8. Thats the percentages, where do you fit in?
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