Describe yourself with 3 fictional characters


All Star
Nov 14, 2015
Do you think you could? I only realized 2 characters right off the bat and I had to think extensively about the third one. Often I thought of characters I admired and realized they weren't like me, only everything I wish I was.


1) Enid from Ghost World. Such a polarizing character, and definitely one I wouldn't want to associate with in real life. I'm not as vocal about my grievances with others; I'm not as snarky or condescending as I'd like to be, but my thoughts definitely align with the way she displays herself. Yeah, Seymour is the opposite of everything I hate too. I would've been infatuated with him as well.
Realistic; cynical; lonely


2) Travis Bickle. Some fans of Taxi Driver say there's a Travis Bickle in all of us, but I doubt they mean it. If the only way you discern him is as a sociopath, you probably don't understand him at all. Very few people are anti-social to the point of being out of touch with ordinary social conventions. I often found myself looking at my own reflection watching this film.
Anti-social; 'politically apolitical'; high sense of grandeur/greater mission


3) Tom Hansen from 500 Days of Summer, as far as my 'love life' is concerned. I'm far from a hopeless romantic, in fact, I'm not easily infatuated, but when it happens it hits hard. I've never loved anyone aside my family, but I'm convinced passion is better and more intense. I don't think Tom loved Summer, he just wanted her intensely. He was amused, infatuated, intrigued, obsessed, but not in love. That's the only way I've ever felt about my romantic interests: 'Right now, I could be with you forever!'
Selfish; entitled-to-your-love; dreamy


Honorable mention: Benjamin Braddock from the The Graduate. I usually think of myself as stubborn and resolved, now I'm starting to doubt that (no irony intended.) He embodies every feeling of uncertainty, nostalgia and long-stream anxiety.

@Still Ill FC I am definitely looking forward to your list. All guys are also welcome to post. No need to include pictures or lengthy descriptions. I got carried away in introspection!


Gotta learn how to kill a nikka from the inside
Oct 19, 2015

1)Smart brotha ( Funny, nerdy, smart)


2)Rock lee ( awkward, but determined)


3) Meechy Darko ( different, but truthful)


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
@Luna you are fascinating. I'd be in love with you if I were a young man. You're so deep and in tune with yourself. You also can communicate your thoughts very well. I wish I could do that.

I don't think Tom loved Summer, he just wanted her intensely. He was amused, infatuated, intrigued, obsessed, but not in love.
Genius level break down of Tom. I love this movie, and Tom. I always thought he loved summer because he reminds me of myself and how I behaved when I was head over heels.

After reading your breakdown I don't know if I was really in love with that girl. Maybe I was just infatuated. Or maybe I was in love and he was in love too. It's a fun idea to think about. Thank you.
I'm convinced passion is better and more intense.
This is fascinating to me. You're fascinating to me.

I've never met anyone who separates love and passion. Then again, I haven't discussed it with anyone in my short life.

Passion and love are synonymous to me. No, they're codependent. One can't exist without the other. Passion is love and love is passion I think. Anything I'm passionate about I love. I think my love expresses itself as passion and obsession.

"Right now, I could be with you forever." Lol welcome to my love life. Thing is, even years later I feel that way. Time and distance have caused the feeling to fade but it's still there.

Present in ever word I speak and every thought I have.

But I love many women. So am I really in love with these women? It's a fun thought to play with.

Often I thought of characters I admired and realized they weren't like me, only everything I wish I was.
Everyone does this. I realized this when I was child writing stories and reading artists' interviews. I think getting an honest answer from anyone is almost impossible.

To know the truth is to know thyself, but I'm more comfortable when I lie to myself.

Think about it....

Some fans of Taxi Driver say there's a Travis Bickle in all of us, but I doubt they mean it. If the only way you discern him is as a sociopath, you probably don't understand him at all. Very few people are anti-social to the point of being out of touch with ordinary social conventions. I often found myself looking at my own reflection watching this film.
"I never had no problem being transparent. Member I was younger wishing I had my friends' parents."

I'm not as snarky or condescending as I'd like to be, but my thoughts definitely align with the way she displays herself.
You're not snarky or condescending because you don't feel entitled to be.

I think most who are on to something few are, or few are willing to express publicly, can sometimes think they have the answer to everything. They think they're special. Better than the next man.

They feel entitled to deliver the answer in a dry way. Not knowing their truth or answer isn't going to work for everyone. Especially if the delivery system is abrasive.

Foreplay is a beautiful thing.

I'm not easily infatuated, but when it happens it hits hard.
"They say love is a risk. You always get hit out of nowhere, by some wave, and end up on your own."


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
@Luna lol I forgot to respond. Forgive me. My ADHD is real today. I didn't run or work today.

Describing myself with fictional characters is tough because I feel non fictional characters have more dimensions to them. I'm a complicated person who hold many positions. I feel like two very different people live in me.

I'll do my best to answer your question.

Remy from Ratatouille. My ex girlfriend said I reminded her of me because I came from the slums. I cook what some would consider fancy food. My passion for food is very real. I've defied my entire upbringing to pursue this.


Another girl I dated convinced me I'm Gale Hawthorne. I don't really want to explain it because I might die. But if you're familiar with the book series you know what I mean. shyt is deep.

Snape from Harry Potter. He was driven by love. He was ambitious. Highly skilled. Highly intelligent. Bullied. Celebrated. Hated. Secretive. He played both sides. Good and evil. He died an outcast. Lonely. Hated. But trusted by the most honorable wizard to ever hold a wand.

He also saved humanity and all wizards alike. Not single handedly, but he did protect the child of his biggest tormentor and the guy who swooped his chick for the greater good.
Last edited:


All Star
Nov 14, 2015
"@Luna you are fascinating. I'd be in love with you if I were a young man. You're so deep and in tune with yourself. You also can communicate your thoughts very well. I wish I could do that."

Says the Coli's very own poet and most introspective poster. You're the fascinating one. :aicmon:

"After reading your breakdown I don't know if I was really in love with that girl. Maybe I was just infatuated. Or maybe I was in love and he was in love too. It's a fun idea to think about. Thank you. This is fascinating to me. You're fascinating to me. I've never met anyone who separates love and passion. Then again, I haven't discussed it with anyone in my short life.Passion and love are synonymous to me. No, they're codependent. One can't exist without the other. Passion is love and love is passion I think. Anything I'm passionate about I love. I think my love expresses itself as passion and obsession."

I'm extremely flattered you're having fun thinking about this. I see where your coming from, if we're talking semantics, love and passion is synonymous, but I personally give them different meanings.

Love (to me) is boring. It's long lasting indeed, but it needs no passion. For instance, I love my sister even though she doesn't care too much for me. I don't like her all the time either and I wouldn't give her my last chocolate chip cookie, but I would, without hesitation, give my life for her - isn't that funny? Love is about sacrifice, it's unconditional, it's about not being at peace if you chose your well being over theirs. It's something only time can create between two strangers because you need to survive the honeymoon phase.

Passion on the other hand is the feeling you get when you're around someone, hence they're doing something for you this time around. It's fleeting because it's better. I can't count the times I've fantasized about someone I'm amused by. Right now it's an actor from the 70's, he's about 67 years old today. I'm amused by his storytelling ability, by his difficult past, eccentric character, distinctive looks. He's undoubtedly unattractive to others, but in my eyes he's beautiful with his scrawny frame and hooded eyes because he looks like a Tim Burton character. But make no mistake, even though I'm admiring him it all comes down to how he makes me feel, and I want him so much. Passion is about stroking your ego, but most people don't realize lusting after a trophy is self-serving. Thinking about it, most religious people operate that way: they pray to their god; they adore their God, but subconsciously they care about what their God will do for them. I've never heard anyone ask if God is alright.

Black Cobain

Donkey Punch? I Donkey Slap!
Dec 20, 2015
New Afrika
1. Rik from The Young Ones [guy in my avi] -- Young, overcompensating "militant"

2. Chris Peterson from Get A Life -- Still living with my folks (still 18 though), freelancer, generally doesn't wanna grow up yet

3. Hannibal from The Eric Andre Show -- Up until recently I was roped into cac bullshyt, more often than not I was the comparative voice of reason


Sep 6, 2016
FBA hairline
Darryl from the office, real chill funny dude, but a boss


Jim, honest guy, always looking out for others, prankster loves to have fun, down to earth, very genuine, and sarcastic


weird, dark, very lust driven, does trifling shyt just because, that's me sometimes :yeshrug:. I don't like it but ey



Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
Says the Coli's very own poet and most introspective poster. You're the fascinating one.
I'm flattered. I'm not though, I just don't know when to shut up, haha.
Thinking about it, most religious people operate that way: they pray to their god; they adore their God, but subconsciously they care about what their God will do for them. I've never heard anyone ask if God is alright.
Fascinating. I imagine god isn't alright. I've had that thought before. I don't believe in God. I do believe in a creative force that's conscious of its creations. I'm sure its sad. To feel so many lives being lost at once has to be sad.

I had to stop watching and reading the news because all of the hatred hurts my heart.

Love is about sacrifice, it's unconditional, it's about not being at peace if you chose your well being over theirs
Very true. When I was in love and loved we were bandits. It was us against the world. Nothing had more value than our time together. We sacrificed all other relationships for each other.

Passion on the other hand is the feeling you get when you're around someone, hence they're doing something for you this time around.
I agree.
Passion is about stroking your ego, but most people don't realize lusting after a trophy is self-serving.
When I was with my loves they confirmed to me I was as successful as I thought I was. They were my fantasy girls. I wanted them for years. I knew I was the man I worked to be because I had become worthy of them.

Now that I think about it, I stroked their egos too. I showered them with gifts and compliments. I was an athlete and business owner at the time. I was young too. shyt's wild to reflect on now that I'm over the hill.

Everything I get is a trophy to me. I obsess over things and work very hard for them. And I do consider everything I do a passion. And I do love it because I'm willing to suffer for it. I'm also willing to walk away from it.

Tricky thing about love is two people can love each other and just be terrible for each other.

Love (to me) is boring. It's long lasting indeed, but it needs no passion.

Hmmm. I didn't agree with this when I first read it. After having this internal dialogue with myself I do agree with it.

Boring love is steady and resilient. The love i had was passionate and on fukking fire. It could never be long lasting. It was a game of Russian Roulette. Someone was eventually going to get killed.

I don't mean to ramble. You've given me new ideas and I'm thinking about them out loud.

Lol welcome to my mind @Luna. You fukked up by being this interesting.

Vice Queen

The First Lady of T$C
Jan 15, 2015
Blanche Devereux from The Golden Girls
Daria Morgendorffer from Daria
Lynn Searcy from Girlfriends
If four were an option I'd throw Earn from Atlanta in there too.


All Star
Nov 14, 2015
When I was with my loves they confirmed to me I was as successful as I thought I was. They were my fantasy girls. I wanted them for years. I knew I was the man I worked to be because I had become worthy of them.

Now that I think about it, I stroked their egos too. I showered them with gifts and compliments. I was an athlete and business owner at the time. I was young too. shyt's wild to reflect on now that I'm over the hill.

Tricky thing about love is two people can love each other and just be terrible for each other.

Boring love is steady and resilient. The love i had was passionate and on fukking fire. It could never be long lasting. It was a game of Russian Roulette. Someone was eventually going to get killed.

You spoke only truths.
And this, this, this. :wow: It ain't good for us!


Nov 19, 2013
I have 4.

Sasha Fierce (aka beyonce when she performs) , Mariah Carey or Jelana from hit the floor when she's seeking revenge or eva from deliver us from eva when I'm being btchy/shady, cardi b when I'm being silly and/or extra, and aaliyah shy, smart and sweet.

If I could think of a black quirky female character, I'd list them as well.

Some of those aren't really fictional, but oh well lol :queen:


Aug 9, 2014

  • Arnold From "Hey Arnold" this describes me the most. I was always seen as this calm, optimistic idealist that tried to help people. Even if it was a shytty idea. I was a kamikaze of kindness in a sense. I was always oblivious when it came to romance because of how socially off at times I was which brings me to my next character
  • image_400x400.jpg

  • Forrest gump like Forrest i can be too open with people I hardly know. Some people never looked past my wide eyed naive nature. But I was always motivated to get things done.
  • Finally.


All Star
Jul 24, 2015
1). Genie from Aladdin -- always working to help others but never takes the time out for self


2). Billy the Blue Ranger -- the smart person that only has a few friends you can count on one hand


3). Ariel the Little Mermaid -- she always wants something better but she struggled to go about that until she finally got what she wanted <3
