man this is disrespectful to post especially since it is Ramadan right now- Eid is going to be on sunday and you posting some bs- it never once says in the Quran that its ok to beat your wife or any woman- and i have read the Qu'ran English translation many times
What a fukking dikkhead.
I'm talking about ROFL Guy.
Anyone who has read the Quran and the hadiths knows full well this is not apart of Islam. You can go get certain quotes and take it out of context and with poor translation try and use it as proof, we those who practice Islam properly, and that's some almost 1 billion people, they know what it's about.
fukk off.
What a fukking dikkhead.
I'm talking about ROFL Guy.
Anyone who has read the Quran and the hadiths knows full well this is not apart of Islam. You can go get certain quotes and take it out of context and with poor translation try and use it as proof, we those who practice Islam properly, and that's some almost 1 billion people, they know what it's about.
fukk off.
No jokes, how is it suggested to keep order in the home? Islamic families seem well behaved, but I don't know any to ask. I seriously want to know. We can take it to PMs if you feel it necessary.
Brother, I can promise you that when it comes to home, it's more of a person to person thing if it comes to issues such as wife beating. It has nothing to do with religion.
There are some who are confused by the words, especially if they read certain parts, and do believe that such measures are suggested, the same way that they see something as stealing to be punished where that person guilty must have their arms cut off. It doesn't work like that. But if you wanna summarise it and take things out of order and put it one quote, it comes off as something like that.
Islamic families are well behaved per se because of the way people have grown up. The culture around them and the environment their in is set from an early age.
I can acknowledge my religion is not helping itself a lot these days, and I'm not talking about terrorism or something so trivial. The people aren't doing it favors, but the Quran and it's foundations are proper. Wife beating and such is not permitted, it is not even frowned up, it is simply not allowed. An example is one of the core rules especially in this Holy month is the treatment of parents, especially mothers (women in general). Even something such as arguing with them is viewed haram. So where does that coincide with something such as the beating of a women? It doesn't.