Retired NFL quarterback Robert Griffin III faced intense heat on social media when he said Jackie Robinson breaking the MLB's color barrier wasn't political.
‘Stupidest Human Being Alive’: Ex-NFL QB Robert Griffin III Under Fire For Claiming Jackie Robinson Breaking Color Barrier Wasn’t Political
Scott Boehm/AP
Retired NFL quarterbackRobert Griffin IIIfaced intense heat on social media when he saidJackie Robinsonbreaking the MLB’s color barrier wasn’t political.
Robinson has been at the center of sports conversations over the last few days when it was discovered that the federal government removed an article honoring his military service. The article was a casualty of Department of DefensePete Hegseth’sdirective to scrub the DOD’s website of any content promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
While a department spokesperson initially defended the removal of content under Hegseth’s orders, the article was eventually brought back following hours of outrage. Even after its restoration, that outrage persisted.
Stephen A. Smith and
Mina Kimes , for example, mentioned the situation on air.
Seemingly in reference to those on-air moments, Griffin — who used to work at ESPN — said in a tweet that “sports shows on TV should be about sports not politics.”
Due to the timing of the tweet, many thought it was in reference to the Robinson situation. In a follow-up tweet, Griffin clarified that it wasn’t about the baseball great. He then went on to list several other Black athletes and claimed that their achievements — made in spite of racial discrimination at the time — weren’t political.
“Breaking the color barrier in baseball in itself is not political,” Griffin said. “Jesse Owenswinning 4 Gold Medals in itself was not political.Jack Johnsonbecoming the 1st Black Boxing Heavyweight Champ in itself was not political. They all had political ramifications. They all challenged the status quo of racial barriers to fair play, race relations and civil rights. That should always be acknowledged and never forgotten. They shouldn’t be used as an excuse to push political agendas on sports shows on national television to an audience there to consume sports content.”
That tweet was met with even more backlash.