blathering blatherskite!
please give me a death stranding dualsense edge controller in the same style and i will happily pay 200 for it.

please give me a death stranding dualsense edge controller in the same style and i will happily pay 200 for it.
please give me a death stranding dualsense edge controller in the same style and i will happily pay 200 for it.
I hope its not the end for the translucent controller with the Dualsense. Liked those since the 64
I'm not buying another ps5 controller until I can see thru it.I hope its not the end for the translucent controller with the Dualsense. Liked those since the 64
IGN: That's... very unfortunate. You also mentioned this during the DS2 reveal, but it seems that the pandemic had a major effect on your creative output as well.
Kojima: It was the same with 9/11. Fiction changes when something that big happens. When something takes place that nobody thought was possible, works of fiction written before it become less effective as entertainment.
That's why I completely rewrote DS2 from its themes up as well. You can't pretend that something this big never happened. While the games themselves are based on characters who are not bound by our reality, the players themselves have gone through the pandemic, and a story written before that experience just wouldn't resonate with them in the same way, whether it was a fantasy story or a sci-fi one.
I played like 3 hours of the first game and just couldn't get into it.
some of the theories is that since sam is no longer connected to amelie and the amount of time he spent in the beach at the end of the game took a told on even though he loooks much older it could just be that 20 years of aging caught u in 5 lolThe timeline is sort of bonkers.
So, Sam is older, Fragile looks the same age if not younger, and Lou looks to have only aged a year at most.