I honestly didn’t mind it, I found it relaxing..it was the combat that needed work
I agree it was relaxing. I just didn’t want to relax for 40 hours.
It’s kinda like flight simulator, i appreciate and enjoy the technology and physics it takes to make it a reality. It can be a relaxing and peaceful experience. But it’s not really “fun” or “exciting”. At some point I just get bored with it.
I would have enjoyed the first Death Stranding with Zero combat if it was a shorter and more focused experience. There was really no reason to draw that game out for so long.
I agree with you that the combat was not good. I didn’t like fighting the aliens or whatever them shyts was. I wish they had some more traditional stealth/action combat like the Metal Gear games.
I’m looking forward to 2, but I really hope they flesh out the gameplay a bit. Seems Kojima only cares about which celebrity he can hire and how weird he can make the trailers