I'm a diehard Panthers fan and also a long time Atlanta resident. This is the city I call home now and which has given me the best times of my life. I'm from a small town in S.C. so it was all a new thing for me. I am here to say I want you guys to beat the shyt out of the patriots. Not just for football reasons but because that city and team represents everything most AA despise. A known racist city towards AA's, with an owner, head coach and QB who are all huge Trump supporters. Then you have Atlanta, a city known for it's large AA population and influence. Who knows if Blank, Quinn or Matty support Trump but they damn sure won't glorify it. So I'm rocking with ya'll and my city. Rise up and beat them bytches. Get to Houston, tell your friends to get to Houston. Show them what this city is about. I am going myself (won't be in a falcons jersey though lol) But with my Braves hat on for sure. Peace Up, A town down.
After ya'll win, we'll get back to Panthers vs Falcons hate.
I know Shawty Lo looking down happy as hell
@The ADD @FreshFromATL @Stone @The Dogg @charmander @Teal @ATLien @Atlrocafella @Atlboss @Rickdogg44@FutureGOAT @JBoy @The_Sheff @Sly Cookin @Hollywood Co @Bruh Man 5th Flo @Moose_Greyjoy @1BadBamaFan@KushGawd @iamstr8fire @Sleepy @Tommy Tuffnuts @Rebel Soldier @daemonova @Town @King Biko @freddykruegeronapill@rip928 @Mr Hate Coffee @jmspro @King Karim @SteezY @Falcons258 @Kaedus @fwest1 @Motife43 @Georgiamuscle @Qohelet
After ya'll win, we'll get back to Panthers vs Falcons hate.

I know Shawty Lo looking down happy as hell
@The ADD @FreshFromATL @Stone @The Dogg @charmander @Teal @ATLien @Atlrocafella @Atlboss @Rickdogg44@FutureGOAT @JBoy @The_Sheff @Sly Cookin @Hollywood Co @Bruh Man 5th Flo @Moose_Greyjoy @1BadBamaFan@KushGawd @iamstr8fire @Sleepy @Tommy Tuffnuts @Rebel Soldier @daemonova @Town @King Biko @freddykruegeronapill@rip928 @Mr Hate Coffee @jmspro @King Karim @SteezY @Falcons258 @Kaedus @fwest1 @Motife43 @Georgiamuscle @Qohelet