DEADPOOl ii : the ode to art james o'barr edition

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Hey Joe,.......

Hey joe,...

Testing one two,...
Is this fourth wall MIC,...on

Remind me to table the sound guy,...

Oh, we're live,....

Alright charismatic comeback opening,....

Hey Joe,....!!

Welcome to the last glorious edition of:

our glorious undefeated undisputed invading dual promotion champion:

Art Barr

arrives ringside.

Excuse me middle rope,....

How ya doing Mr turnbuckle...
Never mind my dikk in your face.....i have to show off the sohh and coli titles to the coli fans. ..

Tables, tables and more tables....

Yeah was nice climbing on top to go over you for the Last time Mr turnbuckle. Go text your other dozen or more turnbuckle buddies. To get prepared and shield their degrading job title based eyes. That I will be giving them the view of the taint later on as well.
No homo.

Oh this is the coli verse where yes, I am like the pet whisper or sorts. In the coli verse as champ. or thanos meets dr manhantten of this cot damn forsaken realm. Yes I can communicate with the fukk'n turnbuckles. Who are some sellouts cause they get paid to watch taint all day. Then complain about the taint shyt. When the last labor agreement they agreed for more pay for more taint.
No homo but turnbuckles serve a purpose in the coli verse. Where they are one of the most helpful. in sending people into the tables. I MEAN WHO ELSE AM I GONNA PROP THE TABLE UP IN THE RING ON. so I can table you on your face throughed't the table So pardon me for having a working relationship with the turnbuckles. Like that simp gonzo does on the muppets with the chicken.

Naw. Not like gonzo I don't know wtf he does with those chicken.
Maybe like snoopy and Woodstock.
Their relationship is to ambitious weird.
Maybe like rocket and groot, or Han and chewie.
Or the space shrimp and the muppet tv show cast.


The spoiler disclaimer,....

any and all art Barr reviews feature spoilers.
Any and all art Barr reviews are made distinctly for people reading to indepthly discuss the heavy grief appreciation action flick.
Meaning if you ain't loss no gf in a horrific death. Stfu.

Now presenting:


Dead pool II

More legal mumbo jumbo, yadda yadda..
Now we have dealt with that whooptie....

Ah well ....
It is so glad to see you, coli fans.

Yes, these are the imaginary conversations. you have with the crowd and the crowning titles. when you are on the turnbuckle and ropes. showing off the titles no one else has. They have their slammies. Yet have no championships. You can go in the hof bur you still ain't no champion.
Great consolation prize for the rest of the Lower drawing promotion though.
Now that we are done with the intro.
Coli fans,....
Time to hit those lights and the spotlight and let you in on the emotional side of your champ.

Art Barr

*turns to the coli cam.

Ya see....
I went to see this movie last night.
it took me back to four years.
before I knew of this, the internet. When I was a young spry lad...
in search of what every young spry breh is,....before the red or blue pills of the manosphere. From guys who really have no reason. to be so mad at women.
All cause they ain't have their gf get killed. So I don't get their emo lashing out in pain issues but I guess they do it all for.
Love. Breh

Yeah, love breh.
Ya good ole boi, the champ, is just like you used to be. before you got that Adam warlock husk like shell.
To emerged from your hoh cocc00n.
For no reason because you were a wee emo lickle boi.

Yes, breh,..
Your buddy the champ went through love and in that same kitchen.
deadpool relaxed with his girlfriend. The older more experienced lost love champ. Told deadpool to stop running his motherfukk'n mouth and like that.
Just as I know from experience she was gone.
As I relived that not paying attention in the full moment deadpool experienced.
to feel it till it was gone inevitable not paying attention feeling and it is all over thing. That takes place when you lose a love like that...that is tantamount to kinda who you are then at that point and who you are after that too.

Except at least in deadpool's favor.
he was in an eventual movie where movie magic would save it.
Yet in between all that,.. All the confusion, emotions, and universe sobbing shouting question were never answered in my misadventures. Where it was a decade before I had an adventure that measures up to what that loss meant. So, never mind the fact. I just watched the best what if they made r rated saturday morning cartoons like a movie that everyone asked for in my youth. Let's focus on what this film really is.

Deadpool II is a piece dealing with the advanced life journey of major loss and grief.

Which is why leaving this movie gives you the same wtf vibe.
that the big lebowski gave me.
when I left the theatre. Except this time I had more to attach to.
than just a missing rug, Dejesus and da whites.
Where the movie has so many poignant parts to some reference. You may need to do some outside background to know wtf you watched. Now granted I formerly owned the first appearance and cashed out on the first appearance of deadpool comic. I still have to deal with loss of that as well. Yet nuffin compares to the loss pool suffers and the loss I can relate to the most in this flick. Where deadpool becomes an ode to what late eighties meets nineties anti-heros is all about and that is love and loss.
Love where you can not change the outcome.
Loss where you can not change the outcome.

So in essence deadpool is about loss and you may never get a journey. as big or as important to your love or loss then. Yet life has important things going on afterward and they need as much care and as much focus as your loss and love.
Of which your good ol champ felt whole heartedly because, I was #metoo, with deadpool in his kitchen.

Anyway, on to the fun that totally suppresses the grief and deadpool. Actually in all his grief reminding goodness coddled you like an idiotic brilliant over his head friend has to do. to cheer you up from this level of grief. So in that I recognized the support factor bases of this flick and even the period passion piece luck plays into life through domino. Plus why domino was always weirdly alive in the comic came to life brilliantly.

Now on to my comedic MVP.
The vanisher.
Man, I had to look who dude was up. All cause that whole simple physical comedic gag was like Lego batman's villains. versus bud Bundy gets beatup and launched as a dummie. across the movie theatre slash meets simple invisible man practical effects gag funny.
all come to life in a small budget big budget feeling live action movie. Come to find out. the vanisher was like an early Stan lee comedic serious villain. like we like villains to be kinda a jerk idiot back in the day. The whole shatterstar thing, I don't read movie spoilers. so to see the liefeld jokes and shatterstar die like that was bugged out. That whole sequence was insane. Yet it explained xforces roster changes and how the series and character went next level. Plus why domino was always alive in the group roster. [if you crop halle berry haircut on ol girl and glam her up. She halle berry fiyoine as hell, with that Daria meets max too broke girls comedic coolness attitude.]
This Movie is ultra cerebral in that. Had to deal with the whole girlfriend death thing, whole life goes on situation. was about as real as that kinda is in real life. When it comes to that kinda you still here and she gone type soul convo. The barrier was like as honestly close to that experience as you can get. Kinda fukked me up a bit. Movie is heavy as hell for people who like me.
Who used or had these nineties crow type James obarr type characters to sorta use to heal I guess. Yet it ends like that last dark knight. where it feels like bane was really gonna win but at the very end batman saves the day. Still after all that. I still don't know wtf I watched as a whole. I guess it is an excellently different type of movie and comedy in that big lebowski way. I had that same wtf thing I had with the big lebowski, where you was like I hope you get this shyt. You probably still don't get the liefeld jokes that are slung insults all through this movie. Like I'd had to watch the big lebowski a jillion times to get. Movie is like big lebowski equals the crow, and dark knight. While breaking the fourth wall and trying to outdo.
every what if we got real x rated Saturday cartoons on regular tv.

With batman Lego movie style humor and of course,...


No rating from me because it gets logged in that need it there for emo purposes. So with that said,....
If you ain't got your girlfriend killed or ain't read the comic. Never had people diss you because you like rob liefeld.
then met rob liefeld and he was a tool. now you diss him cause he can't draw in proportion, nor draw feet sort of thing going..
Plus setup a possible deadpool clowns thanos, and steals his bytch in the next films possibly.

Dead pool II may not be for you.

Now, if you dealing with grief death and want some zany friend. to take you out to the fringe and the beyond and how to deal with it,...
Well deadpool II is for you.

So, this movie is one of the first should have better than mother reviews. Yet no one will delve into the mother like weirdness. that people says was there if you saw mother and I still have not seen mother.

So if you get it.
Give this mild spoiler review based thread a preciate it handshake stolen influenced dap.

If you don't get this cryptic rant clearly. Voice your opinion so I can give you the table.
To keep this thread entertaining from your newfound grief and loss.


Oh and deadpool II,....
Is an experience in grief and enduring loss. when nuffin may measure up to the loss like a plot.
Yet you get your what if they made rated r Saturday morning cartoons with knowing is half the battle. lol moment at the end with all the heroes in a light hearted moment.
after whipping names, and taking ass of all the female members of every mother groups. who ruined American Saturday morning television and lowered the quality of life for kids.
No homo, but mantis is low key fukk'n hilarious in avengers II.

Art Barr

Mean faces........
Last edited:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
(•|•) = deadpool

Cues, cringe commercial remix to cringe commercial original soundtrack song used to troll during the credits.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
No one read this shyt did they?

There are cliffs for you, breh.

Movie made a breh reminsce on real shyt.
So unless your girl and your side chick died in a hail of bullets or sudden tragic accidents. Plus your bm was stabbed ninety times with nine fatal stab wounds.

I don't think you relate much to my rant.

Plus I don't think you been through shyt.
to be so annoying and wanna be funny. When shyt may not have really happened to you to warrant all the sarcasm.
That will be glowingly,...
rewarded with a trip throughed't the fukk'n tables...

Alright, pal.

Now shut your mouth and just sub to the thread.
We revisiting grief and pain and loss.

Unless you lauced't like that...
You should not be worried about what people who endured loss fully feel. I bet you sat through deadpool II and gave it a glowing reveiw. Give my experience'n loss and grief adventure the same, deadpool is in mourning default marks you gave it as well....
Insert huff based insult.

Art Barr

*this message was brought to you by the art Barr translator generator...
While our champ experiences grief, pain and loss, and relived it again but I'm good. It's been twenty four years.

Art Barr

Black Trash!

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
Only reason I wanted to see that shyt was X-Force.
And after reading the’s a nah

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

That nikka ain't even seen the movie.
He was mad nobody gave him spoilers like he wanted. Not knowing his goof ass ain't seen the movie and real talk.

Have you seen the movie. Or did you not see it yet like Jaime fox's hairline.
If you seen the movie. There is no difference between my rant and this rant.

Plus again well do you really relate to deadpool II for real.

Do you know who James o Barr is?

Art Barr


Born To Mack
Nov 5, 2013
That nikka ain't even seen the movie.
He was mad nobody gave him spoilers like he wanted. Not knowing his goof ass ain't seen the movie and real talk.

Have you seen the movie. Or did you not see it yet like Jaime fox's hairline.
If you seen the movie. There is no difference between my rant and this rant.

Plus again well do you really relate to deadpool II for real.

Do you know who James o Barr is?

Art Barr
art aint nobody reading all of that shyt you type in the OP.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
art aint nobody reading all of that shyt you type in the OP.

Yeah, cause you nikkaz have huff ass lives and really don't relate to this movie at all.
that will be given default great marks just because. While talking they were entertained.
Simultaneously, ignoring they just watched the most scattergories based comic book movie ever made.

Again have you seen the movie and if so how the fukk did you sit through the movie. Then think a review was going to be any different than a scattergories based movie was.
Not to mention, it says an ode to James o'barr so you should have been prepared.

Anybody giving you a standard review for this movie is a tool.

Art Barr