Yes, Once you do it a couple of times you realize that those 9s and 10s can be kind of shallow and not very helpful.
I learned the hard way, My babymother is a soild 9. But I would never want to be with her long term. All my boys be like

why you ain't with her. but once you get past the looks and all, there just isn't a whole lot there in terms of goals, mental stimulation, and her making me better. She makes good money, but she wastes it too. She knows how to get dudes to do stuff for her therefore she hardly knows how to do shyt..
I would say my wife is probably 7.9 but her personality and mentaility is a 11. She has made me a better person. We have made more money together than either of us has probably made in our lives. Its just so much better. It doesn't hurt that she has a great smile and an nice onion.
Me and my wife put together damn near all the funiture in our house, she paints the rooms, she will get out there and mow the lawn and trim the hedges when I'm not around. Just a gang of little stuff that them 9-10s won't do but they add up.