It's ironic in a sense, people forget just a handful of years ago the MCU was supposed to save the X-Men and not the other way around. But now the perception is that they need to hurry it up and bring on the mutants to fix things, when the current IPs (altho not great) aren't the root cause problem.
Hell, the general public got 15 years worth of live action x-men movies under their belt, with the tone and main/popular characters already established if not overexposed (Wolverine, Xavier, Magneto, Jean Grey) and a laundry list of every familiar face you could have making an appearance at some point... and the IP wasn't poppin like that box office wise. We talkin the same era as Sam Raimi Spider-Man, The Matrix, LoTR, Nolan's Batman, and early to prime MCU.
They'll actually have to put a good amount of effort bc the general audience aren't actually inherent x-men stans. If it's compelling, they'll come thru otherwise it'll be whatever to them/more of the same.