DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN (Disney +) March 2025 (Spoilers in TAGS)


The Ultimate Madness!
Mar 11, 2022
I'll never understand people who openly don't like something, going out of their way to ruin things for those who do. Just stop watching and stop coming in here to trash the show. Just let the people who are happy come in here and chit chat. It irks me to death when dudes just keep showing up to keep stirring shyt up for no reason other than to fling shyt.

You don't like it, that's fine. Just watch something else. No need to spread negativity, let others be happy.

Return of the Jedi

Star Wars & Sneakers
Apr 30, 2012
The Anti-George Lucas Coalition
I know.

This entertainment art shyt and internet shyt. The whole world and history moving forward is living off of me.

It is only because I really fought the very white people you see now fukkin it all up and lost. From lack of resources and sheer racism. That I am not given the proper respect I earned.
To result in the monetary windfall others who sellout reap the benefit of.

Yet I am thee guy. The world is trying to be.

I have proven that.
since I was a outsider art based three year old.

Art Barr
Art, I’ve been reading been reading your posts since the SOHH days. I joined in 2007 as a 14-year-old high school freshman. I had to lie about my age to get an account. I’m 32 now.

I have never had any idea what any of your posts were about. You speak in riddles.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Art, I’ve been reading been reading your posts since the SOHH days. I joined in 2007 as a 14-year-old high school freshman. I had to lie about my age to get an account. I’m 32 now.

I have never had any idea what any of your posts were about. You speak in riddles.

Well you just admitted after 18 years.
You not adept.
in most of the subjects here.

If you had issue with said post. They have a quote button and a bold button.

For you to inquire about that which you do not know.
[This goes for all of youse in general. Sohh don't think. I am just replying to @Return of the Jedi.

This reply is made in general to any of you flaug'n. ]

Now if you fail to.
Use said:
Or bold

That is your issue not mine.
Plus your issue with not knowing rhe basic interface of rhe very portal you use to entertain yourself

Which is your fault. Not mine.

You know how I learned to post gifs. I saw someone here do it. Then hit reply and bold and asked.
I inquired to gain the knowledge.

This whole eight mile you nikkaz live online. Like you know.
or own the content.
or are adept at the criteria of shyt is a lie.

I am the protege to a legend.

Sohh this whole eight mile lie. nikkaz come online with. Like they are this eight mile lie is a lie.

none of you nikkaz who rap are me.

You are not the emcee.

that is me and who I am the protege to.

I am who you think you want to be. Or you not adept enough to be.

then you have people online trying to be this internet mystery person. Like they are behind rhe internet. When that is a lie. I am.
who created the profitability of all the products, analytical tools. Hardware etc. Required to ever use the internet.

This internet shyt would be an Amiga computer. If I never produced the profitability of the products on the internet.

This whole headfake like everyone in general is in the know. That is a lie.

The people in the know are not fooled. Plus it took you a whole legal adult in years.
to ask.
or speak up.
Which is your problem not mine.

Now all you doing is saying.
you sheltered and a homebody.
Plus you was too scary.
to ask for clarification.
Which again.
Is your problem not mine.

It is not my job.
to see for you.

Plus the first thing in everything is. If they are going to see.
they are going to see.
If not.
then they are blind.
If you were blind. That is your issue, not mine. If you were to scary to ask for clarification. That is your fault. Not mine.

Sohh for the future. With anything.

If you have issue. Inquire about which you do not know.

All this whole whiny shyt about riddles and all that. Is because you do not know the content or subject matter.
Sohh if you really cared. You would get to know.

Plus inquire about.

Sohh for the future.

Inquire about.
that which you do not know.
If you do not.
Or fail to inquire.


That is your problem.
.not mine.

Art Barr
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I'll never understand people who openly don't like something, going out of their way to ruin things for those who do. Just stop watching and stop coming in here to trash the show. Just let the people who are happy come in here and chit chat. It irks me to death when dudes just keep showing up to keep stirring shyt up for no reason other than to fling shyt.

You don't like it, that's fine. Just watch something else. No need to spread negativity, let others be happy.

The issue with every subforum here since 2001. Is no one reviews a cot damn thing. Yet tries.
to come on here with this eight mile lie.
Like they know. Yet never reviewed a fukk'n thing.

Especially in the wrasslin, booth, arcadium and film subforums. As those forums are built solely on review.

In general.

We are here to be consumer reports online. If you are not doing that.

You are wasting your time. As well as everyone else's time.

This whole Mary bunim and Ellis fascination with thinking you are going to be an online reality star is a fukk'n pipe dream.

We are here.
to save each other money. Time. Resources.

If you are not reviewing material.

Then what are you posting for.

If you have issue with me saying the obvious.
I am here to put you throughed't it.

Plus provide the definitive review as well.

Either rant or die.

There is no other way.

Rant or die.

Art Barr