Danny Limelight Speaks On The Importance Of Personality, Wanting To Do Promos, And Why He Chose To Work For MLW

Rollie Forbes

Aug 10, 2017
Danny Limelight The Wrestling Code

In an interview with Fightful, Danny Limelight spoke about his recent MLW exit and why he preferred working for them to other companies like AEW. He added that he is “100%” a free agent right now. Here are highlights:

On MLW giving him a live mic: “Honestly, I couldn’t tell you. I felt like we had something special going on there. I had a great time at AEW. United Wrestling Network always let me do promos, but never gave me a live mic in the ring. MLW kind of, early on, realized that this shyt was money. ‘Just go out there and talk before your match.’ I went out there and it was me, Konnan, Slice Boogie, and Julius Smokes. That’s where people started being like, ‘this guy is a personality too and not just this guy who can do these moves.’ At AEW, they never gave me a mic. I would ask all the time to do a promo for myself on Dark, I would try, it just wouldn’t happen. They would only see me having these cool matches, they never saw me as a personality, they never saw me be me. Once MLW gave me a microphone, shyt started popping.”

On his MLW exit: “Where things went downhill was Konnan got sick, he couldn’t come, he had to get surgery and go through his recovery process. Shoutout to Konnan, he’s doing better now. That kind of left me, Boogie, and Julius by ourselves, which is fine, because we could do it anyway. Then, Boogie had some personal things come up, so he had to go away. Then, it was just me and Julius Smokes, and they were trying to figure out somebody. We had Homicide in one time, then they started bringing Hernandez in, trying to keep it going, but it started falling apart. I told them, ‘let me do it by myself if we can’t get this 5150 thing to rock because of all these issues. Let me go myself.’ I was a singles wrestler before anything else. I felt like it was a timing thing where they didn’t really have anything for me. They took care of me, let me go. Thank you Court Bauer for the opportunity that MLW gave me. I felt like it definitely did get me out there as a personality, they allowed me to be myself. I love them for that. I just kept going with that and what I was doing there and I brought it to New Japan and I brought it to United Wrestling. Now that I’m a free agent, I can do whatever I want. I’m still Danny Limelight and now I have a live mic, and I can say whatever I want. Mic on, safety off.”