Jackass Jim Carrey on Twitter critics: ‘No wonder it’s so dangerous to be a child today’ | Twitchy
Wow!I haven't bn on here since 10:15am.14hrs n u guys r still arguing without me.I'm gonna go 2 bed now bt don't let that stop you! YAWN ;^U
YAWN. Self-righteous scold Jim Carrey totally doesnt care what you think of his anti-gun crooning, Charlton Heston-bashing and tired barbs about gun owners genital size. Except that he does, you haters.
Full tweet:
Im appalled at wht Ive seen on ths stream the last few days, all in hatreds defense. . ;^\ No wonder its so dangerous to be a child today. ;^\
So, now Carreys pro-Second Amendment critics are endangering children? By what? Asking him to #AnswerTheQuestionJim? Calling out his inanity? Then Greg Gutfeld truly is historys greatest monster!
And if appalling tweets are a surefire sign that kids are in danger, well, then someone please call CPS on Jim heartless motherf*ckers Carrey. For the children!
Carrey said the lives of assault rifle owners arent really worth protecting, but his freedom-loving critics are the hateful ones? He exploited the deaths of 20 children to make a quick buck or two on iTunes and those who called him out are appalling?
Lets see how that works out at the box office, Jim. And just to show were not filled with hatred, lets close this out like its a warm, loving Jim Carrey tweet. ;^D