The zombies were stupid and pointless and lead to a wrestler tearing his acl, but MVP does kinda have a point.
The segment was awful
Difference is that those segments involved people in the main event picture, this was a bad segment featuring a couple of current mid-carders.Awful is putting it lightly. Segment was WOAT tier right with Rosie/Trump, Dr. Heiney, and Katie Vick
Not that I agree with it, but I've heard a lot of people call him a wizard.The segment was awful... but yeah, wrasslin' fans are bein' kinda contradictory
I actually mentioned this on a thread somewhere... I said one of the most popular wrestling stars ever basically had a zombie gimmick... dude was like "when was there ever a zombie?"
I was like "uhhhh... the Deadman, pale, gothic, sits up like he's rising out of a casket, gets burned and buried alive and comes back to life... is this not a zombie?"
Dude says " he wasn't a zombie!"
I'm like what was he then, a magician?
Difference is that those segments involved people in the main event picture, this was a bad segment featuring a couple of current mid-carders.
Not that I agree with it, but I've heard a lot of people call him a wizard.
**tries to imagine Taker applying at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry as a youngling**
There was a wrestling nerd theory floating around about 10 years ago that Taker is a Dark Wizard/Druid who uses Horocruxs to stay alive.
It DID make some sense, low key.