D-Bry Interview, Part 1


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Jul 8, 2012
The North

There will be a second part to this interview at a later date, apparently.


On August 18 at SummerSlam, Daniel Bryan will take on John Cena for the WWE World Title. DIRECTV sat down to talk with the #1 contender in an exclusive interview:

What were your initial thoughts when you found out you would be facing John Cena for the WWE title at SummerSlam?
It was incredible and humbling. I have been wresting for a long time and most of the time it was in front of very small crowds who couldn’t care less about who was coming out there. I have wrestled in front of 13 people! And just hearing the reaction of the people in Brooklyn who were shouting “Yes! Yes!” – it was very surreal. Like “is this really my life?”

What did you think about the Brooklyn crowd in general?
It was my second time there – we did the TLC PPV last December – and both times the Brooklyn crowd has been really great and crazy. Even if they don’t like what’s going on they will entertain themselves somehow, like dancing for Fandango or Yes-ing for me.

What’s your game plan against John Cena for SummerSlam?
I can’t stray too far from what I normally do. I’ll make sure to do a lot of my kick boxing and grappling for training but then also just prepare cardio-wise for what’s going to be happening. A lot of the John Cena’s matches go about 30 minutes so a lot of that is just being prepared physically for something like that. Nerves are always good and play a factor in big WWE match but Summer Slam is by far the biggest event of my career so I’m really excited about it.

Mick Foley recently posted something very complimentary about you on Facebook, Did you happen to see it?
No, I don’t have Facebook. Unfortunately, I don’t understand technology very well. I have a Twitter account that WWE set up for me so if I want to tweet something I can but I’m very bad about it (laughs). What did Mick say?

To paraphrase – he said your match with John Cena at SummerSlam would be one of the few matches that, as a fan, he would do anything to see live and that while Cena has been great for the company, he thinks your time is now. Hearing that coming from Mick Foley, what are your thoughts?
Well, I hope he is right and that my time is now. I feel like it is. It’s also very humbling. You know it’s crazy because I feel like my story is very much like Mick Foley’s story in the sense that I grew up a really hardcore wrestling fan and it took Mick a really long time to get to the WWE and to get opportunities to become respected. But it was the people who brought Mick to the main event, it was the people who were so entertained by how good he was – I feel the it’s the same for me. I’ve been wrestling 14 years so when you get a compliment from Mick like that it’s pretty awesome.

He also went on to say that your match would be competing with the CM PUNK v. Brock Lesnar match for Match of the Show at SummerSlam.
I think there is also a bit of competiveness behind it. We feel that we are carrying on the tradition of being a wrestler and with that there’s comes a certain pride in having the best match of the show and being the best performer. It’s unspoken but each of us come SummerSlam, we’re going to go out there and want people to remember our match. There will definitely be an element of one-upsmanship. Everyone at SummerSlam wants their match to be the best.

You and CM Punk first met in your early indie wrestling days, correct?
Yeah, It was 2003 or 2004. I wrestled CM Punk for 45 minutes in front of 30 people in Florida. We’ve known each other a long time.

Can you talk a bit more about your relationship?
It’s interesting because CM Punk and I have a lot in common personally, yet we are very different. He is very brash and kind of says whatever he feels. I’m more laid back and not the most outgoing person. But we have a certain respect for each other. I have been on shows that Punk drove 14 or 15 hours for from Chicago to get paid 100 bucks. We’ve done those shows in front of 30 people together. It’s a long road for guys like us to get here. I’m always astounded. There was that December PPV when I had cashed in my Money in the Bank contract to beat Big Show for the World Heavyweight Championship and Punk had retained his WWE title that same night. We used to work on the indies together and then there we were, both champions. No one really thought we could do it. It’s very cool and surreal.

Tell us more about your start in the business.
I always wanted to be a wrestler but I didn’t think I could be because I’m relatively small. I’m 5’8 and weigh 195 pounds. When I started I was a lot smaller. But when I was probably 15 or 16 years old, WCW started bringing in these cruiserweights like Rey Mysterio who was 5’3 and 150 pounds. That gave me no reason not to at least try and follow my dream.

Where did you start training?
I ended up training with Shawn Michaels. He’s the best. I left the night I graduated from high school, drove to Texas and trained with Shawn for a year. When I look back, I was so poor – I mean living on 20 dollars a month for groceries. I couldn’t fathom that now. It was tough but it was a lot of fun.

Who were your idols coming up?
I loved Dean Malenko and Eddie Guererro. Bret Hart was always one of my favorites. I’m also a big Seahawks fan and the guy who I really loved was a wide receiver named Steve Largent, who ended up being a politician in Oklahoma. He was always so respectable and was never about himself, he was about the team. A lot of people like the brash players but I like people who focus on the team and downplay what they do.

What was it like working with Kane?
It was incredible. I was watching him when I was 16 and it’s crazy that we were Tag Team Champions for 9 months. I have always had a tremendous about of respect for him but seeing how hard he works night and day takes it to another level. The anger management skits we did were great. It was a lot of wackiness. I was in charge of his birthday celebration in Russia and he ended up in the ring with his eyes closed with two Russian hats on before I abandoned him in the ring. He was such a good sport about it. We had so much fun together.

Aside from Kane, who are your dream tag partners or opponents?
Because he trained me, I’d love to team with or wrestle against Shawn Michaels. I would also love to do something with William Regal. He helped train me also. He has been there for me my entire career. He helped me get into England and Japan. He did all this stuff and he didn’t have to. He has been an awesome mentor for me. He is a great wrestler but he is really funny in the backstage segments and I think we could do some hilarious stuff together.

Who would you say has given you your best matches in WWE?
I’ve had some really great matches with CM Punk and I’ve had some really fun, physical, brutal matches with Sheamus. I’ve also really enjoyed wrestling The Shield.


An Honest Man
Mar 7, 2013
my son deserve better than some gold digga bella trying to get half of his fetti


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
What was expected...he's just a good guy who worked his ass off and paid the price to get to this spot.


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Part 2
Let’s talk about The Beard. What made you decide to grow it out?
Yea its bizarre because I will go signings and people will ask me when I’m going to shave my beard because they hate it. But it’s funny because I’ve become more popular since I’ve had the beard. My friend Christopher Daniels told me years ago that I am a slave to my whims. It was last year I just said I wasn’t going to shave for a bit and it just kept growing. Now I’m at a point where I don’t think I can shave it. It’s just part of the fun now.

You had a beard-off bet with Oakland A’s John Reddikk. Is that true?
Yes! What I wanted out of the beard-off was for two men to grow their beard for a year and see who’s was better and the loser would have to shave it off. But that said, we were in England in April and I just finished a match and one of the guys from the YouTube channel came over to me and said, “Congratulations!” I wasn’t quite sure what he was talking about. He said “you won the beard off with Josh Reddikk!” and I was like, ”What?!” I’m not sure if he’s single or not, but if he is I’m sure it was quite a detriment to his game. I am not single. I’m dating Brie, one of the Bella Twins, which you’ll see on that Total Divas show that’s airing on E!, but yeah, for me, I can grow it as wild and crazy as I want. She might not like it, but I haven’t heard anything!

How did the “Yes!” and “No!” chants come about?
It was originally a take-off of UFC fighter Diego Sanchez because he was all about positivity and would just chant “Yes! Yes!” I always loved that and it was just something I started doing when I won the World Heavyweight Championship. I was very excited and I just started doing it. Then it just started to catch on. I remember the first time I noticed, we had done a RAW in Seattle and people were chanting “Yes!” and I thought it was because I was from Washington State but then it erupted at WrestleMania 28. It just happened organically.

What makes SummerSlam so special?
SummerSlam just has a completely different vibe to it. The LA crowd has a lot of fun and it’s a good time. It’s the biggest show of the summer and the second biggest show WWE does. Six months from WrestleMania, there is SummerSlam – it’s something you are building towards. Also just the history of it. There’s a litany of great matches.

Are there any matches from previous SummerSlams that you loved?
Summer Slam ’96 with Shawn Michaels vs. Vader. Vader was so cool with that mask. I was literally excited for that match a month before it happened. One of my favorite moments for myself for SummerSlam was in 2010 when they brought me back for the main event and last year’s SummerSlam when I wrestled Kane. It was just cool and surreal to be in the ring with Kane and winning the match. My friends couldn’t believe I was wrestling Kane.

Any favorite summer past times?
I love being at the beach. I’m from Washington State and even though its very cold there, the summers are nice, not too hot. I lived 30 minutes away from the beach. I love the sound of the waves, the winds and all the clean air. Although, I do not like the crowds.

You mentioned UFC earlier. Are you a fan of other sports?
I haphazardly follow football and even then only the Seahawks. But I don’t pay attention to what’s going on in the off-season or anything like that and I don’t know about anything else going on in the league. Like it will be playoff time and someone like the Atlanta Falcons will get the bye for the first round of the playoffs and I’ll be like “The Atlanta Falcons are good?! I remember three years ago they were horrible!” But I also really love UFC. I like to train in kickboxing and grappling and that sort of thing and I really like one-on-one competitions. Though, I never really got into boxing. However, I do enjoy watching Manny Pacquiao fights just because he is such an exciting fighter.

What’s your favorite way to pass the time while on the road?
There isn’t a lot of time to pass! We fly in, get to town, try to find the gym and then go to the building. From the building, we may have anywhere from a 150-300 mile drive ahead of us to the next town, sleep as much as you can, wake up, get some food, go to the gym, get some more food and then go to the next building. As far as time to just pass, there isn’t a whole lot of it. Besides that, I’m not very exciting. I like to read and I like to stretch. Brie will be like “what have you been doing for the last hour or two? I’ve been texting you!” And I’ll be like “Oh I’ve just been in a dark room stretching.“

If you were to win a Slammy this year, what would you like it to be for?
I’d like it to be for “Most Exciting” or something around those lines. Superstar of the Year? But there are so many great guys right now. Between John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton and all those kind of guys, that would be a very hard award to get. But that’s the one I would want more than anything.

Your dog, Asparagus, seems to have a lot of fans on the Internet. What can you tell us about him?
Asparagus is a yellow lab. He is now 11 years old so yeah, he’s getting older. He has been, let’s see, the Ring of Honor Champion, the GHC Junior Heavyweight Champion, which is a big title in Japan, he has been the US Champion, the World Heavyweight Champion…

He seems very prolific.
Haha, yeah. I just have all these pictures with Asparagus wearing all the various titles I’ve won. Unfortunately he has arthritis really bad in his back hips so it’s hard for him to walk. But the benefits of doing what I do now, is that he gets treatment., which is something I couldn’t afford before. Before I may have had to put him down but now he does physical therapy. They put a treadmill underwater and he walks on it to strengthen his hind legs. You should see him do it, he is just so happy! The water takes some of the weight off and it strengthens his legs and he has his head above water and he’s just walking just as happy and excited as can be. It’s hard because my family are huge animal lovers and it’s difficult when a pet gets to that point and their quality of life starts to suffer. When is ever the right time to put a dog down? But Asparagus is such a happy dog and even though it’s hard for him to walk with his back legs, he is still so excited about life. He used to love to play fetch but he cant really run any more and he’ll bring me the ball because he wants me to throw it for him but it breaks his heart that I can’t throw it for him. So what we do is we hide the ball in a little towel and he just loves digging it out. Though, in my mind I imagine it being a very frustrating game for him, like “I keep bringing you this ball to throw and you keep putting it in a towel.” He’s such a sweet dog and really one of the highlights of my life.

Any parting words for the WWE Universe or John Cena specifically?
For the WWE Universe I just want to thank everyone for their support. My fan base is incredible and how these people have come to like me, I have no idea. But it’s a really awesome connection. I can really feel it when I walk out there. It’s strange and surreal. Just awesome. For John Cena, he has wrestled a lot of the very best his entire career, but I don’t know if he is ready for the Daniel Bryan that is coming for him at Summer Slam.
May 7, 2012
Can D-Bry really be this humble?

I mean, he's been like this since his indy days and if you watch Wrestling Road Diaries you can tell he's humble as fukk, but still...it's so weird to find people like that in wrestling :bryan:
When I met him, he was very humble.

I was like "Can't wait to see you at Mania" and he hit me with "Yeah, I don't know about all that".

I said it years ago when WWE first signed him, I knew he was going to be a star, if you watched him live in ROH you knew his ability to connect with a crowd is on a whole other level, one of the best i`ve ever seen


Legalize us.
Jul 8, 2012
The North
I'd actually like to see him booked similarly to his real-life humble underdog character. We got a bit of that in his NXT days.

The man is obviously a megatalent who can get pretty much any character or gimmick over, but I'd like to see what he could do just being himself. It's not a typical over-the-top wrestling character, but this dude could make it work and I think it could be huge.


May 1, 2012
Another Gold Medal
D Bry and HBGOAT tag team!?

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